Ever since Marvel Entertainment confirmed that Joss Whedon had been chosen to direct their big budget Avengers film, the fan community has vocalized their support or distaste of the decision.
The point being? There is a renewed interest in all things Avengers.
For proof, one need only look to the attendees of Dragon*Con 2010, who showed off a plethora of well crafted costumes this year that featured Avengers both new and old.
We’ve attempted to capture a handful of what we saw while covering the event this past weekend in the photo gallery embedded below.
It’s also worth noting that Geeks of Doom photographer Derek Deweese let his fanboyism run wild in some of these photos by attempting to mirror popular comic book covers. (Neither of us remember the issue of The Ultimates where Captain America points to the “A” on his helmet. If you know the cover we’re talking about then by all means educate us in the Comments section below.)
Also, check out our earlier posts featuring this year’s Cosplay Babes of Dragon*Con: Part 1 & Part 2, as well as Costumed Men Of Dragon*Con 2010.
[Photography by Derek Deweese. Additional photos available on his website.]
No block Avengers? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZusofRKoQm0 (first section of the video)
Comment by Niko — September 7, 2010 @ 11:45 pm
Done and done
Comment by Adam — September 8, 2010 @ 4:11 am