Star Trek fanatics go to great lengths to eat, sleep, and breathe the world their favorite sci-fi characters exist in. But while they can dress up and role play and so on, one thing that proves quite difficult to experience is working on the bridge of a space ship just like (insert favorite Trek captain here) and their crew have done over the years.
Now that dream is finally attainable…to some level. A new space ship bridge simulator titled Artemis has been created and is now available for purchase. It’s not a simple “insert disc and play” game, however. This is a “multiplayer, multi-computer networked game” that will require you, your closest Trekkie friends, and multiple computers to play.
Continue reading for more details and to see a funny video of a team trying their hand at running a ship.
Here’s a description of the simulator:
Artemis simulates a spaceship bridge by networking several computers together. One computer runs the simulation and the “main screen”, while the others serve as workstations for the normal jobs a bridge officer might do, like Helm, Communication, Engineering, and Weapon Control.
Artemis is a social game where several players are together in one room (“bridge”), and while they all work together, one player plays the Captain, a person who sits in the middle, doesn’t have a workstation, and tells everyone what to do.
Artemis is a software game for Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7.
And though Artemis is not affiliated with Star Trek, the folks over at Rev3Games instantly knew what to do. They set up all the necessary computers as close to a bridge as possible, threw on their best Trek uniforms, and maybe even indulged in a bit of the Devil’s nectar before giving the simulation a go. The results are quite entertaining.
If you’d like to learn more about the game and how to get it, you can head over to the game’s official site. You can also see more YouTube videos of Artemis in action right here.
My friends got to try this at Gen Con and it was a highlight of the con for them. I’m not a Star Trek fan and it sounds like a blast to play!
Comment by Poopdawg — August 30, 2012 @ 11:20 am
Okay. You have my attention.
Comment by Dave3 — August 30, 2012 @ 1:28 pm