DC Relaunch: The Edge of DC Comics

DC Comics made another set announcements on Thursday regarding what they are calling their “edge” titles. Now, I’m not exactly sure why they chose the name to describe these titles, but we’re just going to roll with that, for now. In this set of titles we see a rebirth to a few Wildstorm characters, as well as the return of a few fan favorites. Today’s titles showcased murderers, war, and a hopeful teenager. Yeah, it’s been a weird day to accompany a weird week. But, in continuing my ongoing series of coverage of the DC Relaunch, I will be listing each one of the nine books announced alongside my running commentary. So, let’s get to it!

Stormwatch #1 – The first Wildstorm integration comes with the announcement of Stormwatch from writer Paul Cornell and artist Miguel Sepulveda, which brings two of the most popular characters from the former publisher. This series features Apollo and Midnighter, which is significant, not only because of the Wildstorm integration, but also because this will be the first title in the main DC Universe that will feature a male superhero couple as leads of a title, which is a great step forward in superhero comics, when a lot of what we’ve seen recently is in the ways of regression. The storyline of the book appears to be Martian Manhunter trying to recruit Apollo and Midnighter into a top secret strike force team of super powered beings. I didn’t really read any of the shared universe Wildstorm titles, so I’m not super familiar with these characters except they’re supposedly analogs of Superman and Batman, but under the guidance of Cornell, I have faith. I will definitely be picking this up.

Blackhawks #1 – Writer Mike Costa and artist Ken Lashley will be taking the task of rejuvenating one of the oldest group of characters in the DC Universe, the Blackhawks, into the 21st century. In their most modern iteration, the Blackhawks will be a high tech group of mercenaries, which could be a cool book, but what I personally liked about the Blackhawks was their classic atmosphere. That was the appeal of the group. They still felt like a part of the World War II era of comics, and I loved it. And I think that’s what most of the fans of this group liked. I could be wrong about this take on these old school characters, and I hope I am. I’ll pick up the first issue, and if I like it, it will be added to my pull list, but right now I’m not digging the concept, but if these talented creators do a good job, it could work out really well. This is on my watch list.

Sgt. Rock and The Men of War #1 – I feel kind of the same about this book as I do about Blackhawks. This seems to be a straight up war comic focusing on the grandson of the original Sgt. Rock, which makes no sense because they could easily make this the original Sgt. Rock because it’s in the relaunch, but I can see some potential with making this character a war legacy. But a lot of the appeal to Sgt. Rock’s easy company, again, was their classic war genre, whereas this appears to be modern warfare, which I can’t see myself reading. But again, I’ll give it a shot especially with Ivan Brandon and Tom Derenick as the creative force behind it. They could get me to love it.

All-Western #1 – Picking up where Jonah Hex left off, the writing team of Jimmy Palmiotti and Justin Gray will be accompanied by artist Moritat to tell a western tale of Jonah Hex in Gotham City, and this looks freaking awesome. The team of Palmiotti and Gray is one that I’ll always pay attention to, and their work with Jonah Hex has been nothing short of spectacular. My only question is if this will be a book just about Jonah Hex, or if the creators are going to be telling other Western tales, as well. Either way, I’m really looking forward to this and Jonah Hex working with Amadeus Arkham? Well, that just sounds like The Batman of The Old West, and I don’t think any other phrase I can think of has made me that happy in my lifetime.

Deathstroke #1 – Written by the apparent new DC golden boy Kyle Higgins, whose writing I thoroughly enjoy, and drawn by artists Joe Bennett and Art Thibert, Deathstroke will focus around the metahuman as mercenary, and appears to be Deadpool-esque without the funny/crazy. It’s hard to tell where the series is going to go, but from what I’ve read from Kyle Higgins, I enjoy his work, so I’ll check the first issue out, but I’m not in love with the character, so it all depends on the first issue for me. But there are plenty of people out there that do love Deathstroke, and I’m sure they’ll love this, since the creative team is strong, although I worry that Higgins may get to the point of being burned since his name is attached to so many titles.

Grifter #1 – In the first title to feature a solo Wildstorm “hero”, Grifter the murdering anti-hero will be written by Nathan Edmonson with art details assigned to CAFU and BIT. I seriously wish I could care about this title, but the only time I’ve ever liked this character was when Grant Morrison wrote him in the JLA/WILDCATS. I’m not really a fan of the creative team, I mean I like some of what I’ve read from the one involved, but not enough for me to be on for this title. I’m sure fans of the character will love this, but I wasn’t a big fan of the 90’s anti-hero craze, and I’m still not, so it’s a no go on Grifter for this guy.

OMAC #1 – I really, honestly, truly want to read a modern version of OMAC in the form of Jack Kirby, but Dan DiDio and Keith Giffen are not Jack Kirby, in the least. Don’t ask me why, but I read this creative team on their recent run on The Outsiders, and boy howdy.. I felt like the only insane soul in the universe just begging for punishment when each issue came out. It was as if DC Comics, as well as the creators, knew that no one was reading this book and just decided to throw as much insane and nonsensical events in the comic as possible, and as much as that normally would attract me to a comic book, I felt like I was being driven into madness, and in all honesty, it started out decently. And maybe, just maybe they will put out something incredible, but I won’t be on board. Fool me once, shame on you… fool me twice, I won’t get fooled again.

Suicide Squad #1 – As terrible as that cover looks, and it certainly does, I’m genuinely excited for this. I’ve always like the idea of the Suicide Squad and I’ll pretty much give anyone a shot with the title. I don’t know much about Adam Glass, although he’s working on the Flashpoint: Legion of Doom mini-series (which I now want to check out), and I’m not too familiar with Marco Rudy, but I do enjoy what I’ve seen from him. It does however have the obstacle I must overcome, which is the fact that it’s replacing the amazing Secret Six title from Gail Simone and features the ridiculously redesigned villains King Shark, Deadshot, and Harley Quinn, but it could be good, as the Suicide Squad usually is. So, consider this pulled, no matter how bad the costumes look.

Blue Beetle #1 – I’m buying this, flat out. I’ve been waiting for Jaime Reyes to get his own series since his last one got cancelled, and with Tony Bedard, Ig Guara, and Ruy Jose on the book, it’s icing on the scarab-shaped cake. If you’re not familiar with Jaime Reyes, he’s the latest in the legacy of Beetles. A young man from San Antonio, TX gets the mechanical weaponized scarab attached to him, but through determination and hard work, he uses this as a way to do the right thing. He’s a fan of superheroes, which makes him relatable to the reader, and traditionally, it’s a damn fun read, and I have no doubt that this will do the character justice.

So, that’s it for now, but what do you think? Big fan of Wildstorm? Anything here look good to you? If you’re not a big comic reader, are you interested in Sgt. Rock? Let us know in the comic section below! And make sure to tune in next time when we voyage to Metropolis to see all the of the wonderful Kryptonians and their surely wonderful character redesigns and alterations!

[Source: DC | DC | DC]


  1. Grifter would be the second solo Wildstorm integration into the DCU, since fellow WildC.A.T. Voodoo’s series was announced earlier this week.

    Comment by Marcus Pierson — June 10, 2011 @ 8:16 pm

  2. I fully agree with you on Jaime! If I end up broke in September except for three dollars, that’s the one I’m getting.

    Comment by Eric — June 10, 2011 @ 4:07 pm

  3. This is true, sorry. My mistake.

    Comment by Hunter Cat — June 10, 2011 @ 11:05 pm

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