By Empress Eve
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Sunday, April 1st, 2012 at 7:32 pm
On Friday, we reported that IDW and Topps would soon be bringing us a Broadway musical based on Mars Attacks called Mars Attacks: 21st Century Slaughter to be written and produced by comic book veteran John Layman (Chew, Marvel Zombies vs. The Army of Darkness). This was an official announcement send out to news outlets by the two companies, who have been collaborating on a new Mars Attacks comic book series, and Topps has lots of plans for the franchise for its 50th anniversary. Therefore, I was pretty excited about the news — I mean, it wasn’t SO far-fetched to me. I figure it’d be like Little Shop of Horrors or the awesome Evil Dead: The Musical.
Well people, turns out IDW and Topps were playing an early April Fool’s Day joke on everyone, because the companies issued a second press release today, along with the above graphic, revealing that it was all just a prank for today’s holiday.
While it was all just a joke, the response to the initial news was overwhelmingly positive, so hey, you never know. It might come down eventually to giving the people what they want. The new press release DID say, “There will in fact be no Mars Attacks on Broadway — at least not yet anyway!” For all we know, tomorrow, there will be another press release saying “We were just kidding about the April Fool’s thing, we actually are doing the musical!,” which would be fucking awesome (albeit, quite annoying, too). I would contact the people at IDW and Topps to verify that this April Fool’s Day notice is actually true and not just a joke of a joke of a joke, but I’m getting kind of sleepy and will probably forget all about this in the morning. Anyhow, the moral of this story is that the next time IDW sends me a press release on March 29th about their new Voltron series, instead of running the news, I’ll respond to their email by saying “YOU DAMN LIAR!!!!” and that will be that. Also, I’m watching you John Layman.
Watching. You.
By the way, just look here below at the phoney promo art for the musical and tell me you don’t want this musical to become a reality!!! As I always say on April Fool’s Day — “Remember the Tauntaun Sleeping Bag”. It’s proof that dreams can come true… if you believe.
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Students of the Unusual™ comic cover used with permission of 3BoysProductions
The Mercuri Bros.™ comic cover used with permission of Prodigal Son Press
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