Each and every week “Gainfully Employed” MK2Fac3 and “Two More Vodka Cranberries, Please!” Henchman21 read a lot of comics. Seriously you guys, a lot of comics. Maybe too many comics. I mean, it is possible”¦ theoretically. They look forward to some more than others, I mean, who doesn’t? So, let’s take a look into the depths of their pull lists, grab some comics, and we’ll let YOU know what the top books to look forward to are for the week of June 6, 2012. Single issues and trades, they’re all here.
Guys, a lot has happened over the past week. I got a job, Henchman got a mohawk, and DC Comics thought it would be a good idea to release Watchmen prequels! Well, if you want to read about that, then you can just go look to another article, because there will be none of that here! What will be here? Well, we’ve got some pleasant surprises for you, so just keep on reading as we show you The GoD List, a place where you will find out all of the comics that you should be reading this week!
Creator Owned Heroes #1 (Image Comics – $3.99): “Creator Owned” is a phrase we’ve been hearing a lot about recently. Over the past few years, we’ve seen a strong turn in the comics industry back towards the independents where publishers have less invested in comics than the creators who, y’know, actually created the characters. Which brings us here, to Creator Owned Heroes. Few names have been so closely tied to “creator owned” mentality than those of Steve Niles, Jimmy Palmiotti, and Justin Gray. These three writers have chosen to join forces alongside artists Kevin Mellon (teaming with Niles for American Muscle) and Phil Noto (teaming with Palmiotti/Gray for Trigger Girl 6 – the best name for anything ever). The idea, obviously, is to showcase some new creations from some of the finest names in the comics industry and to do it together! Seriously, this is a really cool idea, it has some bonus, interview material alongside these two comics all for the low, low price of $3.99, so if you’re wanting to try something completely different this week (you know, not bludgeoning the idea of creativity with prequels and misery), then do yourself a favor and pick this up, with all of these great creators, there’s no way you could be disappointed.
Earth 2 #2 (DC Comics – $2.99): You’ve heard about this comic, right? The one where things are slightly different than the main DC Universe? The one written by James Robinson and drawn by Nicola Scott? Yeah, that one. The first issue impressed me so much that I was won over for the long haul. I’m on board for every single issue, and I can’t wait the rest of the issues to come out. Also, this is a high profile DC Comic with a homosexual male lead, so hooray for progress!
Smallville, Season 11 #2 (DC Comics – $3.99): Longtime viewers of this show will know that I’m a hug fan of Bryan Q. Miller. His run on Batgirl was nigh spotless, and his episodes of the superhero-themed Smallville were easily some of my favorites, so when he took the helm of the digital-first Smallville comic, I knew that I’d be in for a treat. I love this comic. It picks up where the show left off, and for fans of the show, most of us didn’t want to see these interpretations of Lois Lane, Clark Kent, and the rest of the gang to disappear alongside Apokolips. Thus far, Miller has done a wonderful job of taking all the things that I loved about the TV show and adapted it to fit the comic book style while also showcasing his extreme talent for the medium. If you ever liked Smallville, or if you’re a fan of any comic, you should be reading this.
Watchmen (DC Comics – $19.99): I feel 100% certain that this is the only Watchmen branded comic book that you will ever need to read, so if you haven’t read it, read it! And if you have read it, read it again. Don’t make a mistake.
Morning Glories #19 (Image Comics – $2.99): Anybody who jumped off this series early because it was “moving too slow” made a big mistake because this remains one of the most exciting and surprising series that I’m reading, and I love every issue of it. It’s easy to compare Nick Spencer and Joe Eisma’s Morning Glories to the TV show Lost, but I feel like that does a disservice to the book. When that comparison is made, I’d imagine that people are referring to the two series having a lot of weird crap going on that doesn’t make much sense at the time. What I think is the more interesting comparison between the two is how both books are human dramas at their core, that just happen to have weird and supernatural elements mixed in. The most exciting scenes of the last few issues have all dealt with exploring the characters and their pasts. As we find out more and more about them, we as readers become more invested in the story. That is the true strength of both series, and I’m looking forward to what I find out this month.
Avengers Vs. X-Men #5 (Marvel Comics – $3.99): Not much to say about it at this point, since you’re either buying it for the long haul, didn’t by it to begin with, or may have dropped off if you were buying it. Me, I’m having a fair bit of fun with it, especially with the Wolverine & The X-Men tie-in issues, which aren’t essential, but have been a lot of fun and have offered some good insight into the main series. According to the solicits this issue marks the end of act one of the series, so we’ll see how that goes. I’m hoping that it ends with a big surprise or something like that. This is the kind of event comic that I enjoy; big threat, lots of fighting, good old fashioned fun. I hope you’re having fun with it too.
The Spider #2 (Dynamite Entertainment – $3.99): I didn’t know what to expect from the first issue of The Spider, but I was surprised by how much I enjoyed it. The Spider is one of Dynamite’s bread and butter pulp action hero revival books, and if you’re like me, you probably don’t know what his deal is. He’s basically a knock off of the Shadow, what with the .45’s, and the big hat and oh so much black. Writer David Liss does an excellent job establishing the characters and moving the story into the 21st century. The first issue had plenty of atmosphere and action and was enough to pique my interest in the second issue. The series takes a lot of the classic tropes of the pulp genre and updates them in an interesting way. I don’t know, I just really had a good time with the first issue and I think if you like Dynamite’s other pulp books, you should check this one out.
DMZ, Vol. 12 (DC/Vertigo – $14.99): To be honest, I’m not actually buying this one, because I already have the issues, and I’m waiting for a hardcover release of the series before I pick it up again, but just because I’m not buying it, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t, especially if you haven’t read the story yet. Vol. 12 of DMZ collects the last storyline, The Five Nations of New York. This is the storyline that wrapped everything up, and it was an interesting end. In my opinion, DMZ will go down as one among the best of Vertigo’s long-running series. The series had a fantastic beginning, middle, and end and never failed to keep me interested and entertained. It didn’t have the crazy, fantasy setting that many other Vertigo series have. The series has a very simple premise: What if America went to war with itself again, with New York City serving as a de-militarized zone? Into this city that we are all familiar with, walks a young, idealistic reporter, looking to tell the story of those left behind in the city, which is all well and good, until he becomes the story. The world of DMZ could very easily be our own, and the realism of the setting may be one of its strongest suits. When you read DMZ, you see how things could be, and after you’ve read it, you may find yourself trying to figure out how to keep the events from happening. More than that though, when you read DMZ you will come to know a cast of characters. Some of them you may want to be. Some of them you definitely would not want to be. Some of which you probably are. As with many of Brian Wood’s other stories, the characters are instantly relatable and real. The people in this series could be walking down your street right now. You may work with them, be friends with them, hang out with them on a daily basis. Whoever they are, you know them within a few pages. Many of the ideas found in the book could have turned into a preachy mess in the hands of a lesser writer, but Wood doesn’t go too far down that slope, and the series is always grounded in its characters. DMZ is a mature work in the best way, and should be read by everyone.
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