Just another surprise came during Marvel’s Iron Man 3 panel in Hall H today at the San Diego Comic-Con. Edgar Wright, director of Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, Shaun of the Dead, and Hot Fuzz, showed up at the panel to show off test footage that he had just completed for Ant-Man.
Wright has long been rumored to be working on an Ant-Man movie, just recently revealing that he was shooting a test reel, and that is just the project that he had to show off.
Continue reading for a description of the footage.
The test footage was very rough. There were wires, blue screens, and other unfinished effects work, but what was there caught the feel of the character and his powers.
The scene started by showing Ant-Man hiding in a vent at the end of a hall, with the other end guarded by a pair of guards. Ant-Man jumps out of the vent, runs down the hall, changes sizes a couple times, runs along the barrel of a pistol, and then punches one of the guards in the face while miniaturized, sending him flying. Ant-Man then changes sizes again and attacks the other guard at full size. At the end, Ant-Man walks into an elevator as “It’s a Small World” plays.
The footage was definitely rough, but even at this stage, you could see how Ant-Man’s powers work on screen. The switching back and forth worked well, and the punch in the face looked especially impressive. The costume looked very similar to the newest version of Ant-Man, but you could not tell exactly which version of the character will be in the film. The original Ant-Man, Hank Pym, would make sense if Marvel wants to do a movie with Ultron as the villain. However, the third Ant-Man, Eric O’Grady, would seem to fit more into Wright’s sensibilities.
Wright said that he and co-writer Joe Cornish (Attack the Block) had finished another draft of the script, but we did not learn when we may see an actual movie. Wright ended his time on the panel with a fake tagline for the film: “Ant-Man will kick your ass…one inch at a time.” It was very impressive footage, and hopefully it gets the work started so we can one day see an actual movie.
Huh. I really  thought they were gonna go animated with  Ant-Man. Oh well, still sounds pretty cool.
Comment by FAT_ORANGE_TABBY — July 14, 2012 @ 11:18 pm
vid or it didn’t happen.
Comment by DeathAxe — July 15, 2012 @ 6:52 pm