By eelyajekiM
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Wednesday, August 22nd, 2012 at 7:00 pm
The Toxic Avenger is one of those nasty, brutally violent, sex-filled films that you can’t help but watch. Sure enough with any film that has a cult following as large as it has, there will be studio heads looking to reboot the film.
Steve Pink has been attached to direct the film for some time now and although things looked like they haven’t been progressing as quickly as some would have liked, this latest bit of casting rumors should give it the push it needs to head into production. The rumor that is going around is that John Travolta has been approached to appear in the reboot of The Toxic Avenger.
At first Bloody Disgusting (via It’s On The Grid) reported that Travolta was going to play the titular character. Some may have questioned the decision, but the actor has never been known to play it safe. However Variety confirmed hours later that he was approached to play a supporting role in the film.
For those who may be unfamiliar with the film, The Toxic Avenger tells the tale of a humble janitor who becomes a deformed mop-wielding hero after being thrown into a vat of toxic chemicals. The original film was known for having a huge amount of nudity, sex, and violence. However it has been said that the Steve Pink‘s version would tone that down for a PG-13 friendly audience.
No word yet on when the movie could start filming or when it will be released.
Do you think a toned down Toxic Avenger is a good thing or a bad thing?
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This would be great!
Comment by Dave3 — August 22, 2012 @ 11:02 pm
It has to be rated R! Anything less is a waste of time.
Comment by Jeff Ferguson — August 24, 2012 @ 7:03 am