By PS Hayes
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Wednesday, December 26th, 2012 at 12:03 pm
Mars Attacks The Holidays One-Shot
Written by Fred Hembeck, Bill Morrison, Ian Boothby & Dean Haspiel
Art by Fred Hembeck, Bill Morrison, Tone Rodriguez, Alan Robinson & Dean Haspiel
Colors by Phil Elliot, Ronda Pattinson, Kote Carvajal & Allen Passalaqua
Letters by Fred Hembeck & Chris Mowry
Covers by Bill Morrison, Dean Haspiel, Fred Hembeck, Phil Elliot, Alan Robinson, Kote Carvajal & Chris Giarrusso IDW Publishing
Release Date: October 31, 2012
Cover Price: $7.99
Mars Attacks The Holidays runs the gambit. From goofy to heartbreaking and back again, it’s one heck of a great read. And I have to tip my hat to IDW Publishing for putting out an actual HOLIDAY special this year! They’re one ahead of any other company out there in that respect.
OK, there’s a LOT of ground to cover, so I’ll try and get right to it and not bog you down too much. First off, there’s four stories here, each representing a different holiday. Included are Halloween, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas. Fred Hembeck’s Halloween story is typical Fred Hembeck. It’s set in the 1950s and follows a Happy Days like family on a trick or treat excursion, and later a Halloween party where things go…awry, thanks to three Martians who tag along. It’s funny and goofy from the first panel to last, and is, in my opinion, the best in the book.
Next up is Bill Morrison’s Veterans Day tale. This one is serious in nature and follows a group of military men on the night of Orson Welles’ famous War of the Worlds radio show that fooled the world. They take on a group of invading Martians and show the true fighting spirit of the American soldier.
Then comes Alan Boothby’s Thanksgiving story. Heavy on humor, it’s the story of an attack by Martians on the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, and the secret weapon that New York City has at its disposal to fend off the invading aliens.
Finally, Dean Haspiel gives us a Christmas yarn that’s a heart breaker. It’s definitely entertaining and a good read, but it’s not your average Christmas pick me up kind of story.
On the art side of the book, it’s a lot of good stuff. You start off with Fred Hembeck, who’s awesome as usual. Next you move on to Bill Morrison and Tone Rodriguez‘s Veterans Day story which is a complete 180, and it needs to be. It’s more serious in tone and that’s what the story needs. Great realistic, highly detailed art. The third story is done by Alan Robinson and is more on the goofier side. It’s got some KILLER likenesses of celebrities that are pretty spot on. Very entertaining and kinetic. Last, you have Dean Haspiel and his Christmas tale. Some REALLY nice art here, but what makes it is the tone and colors by Allen Passalaqua. They totally make this story.
Mars Attacks The Holidays is a really nice read. Very entertaining, touching, heartwarming, and fun. Just like the holidays themselves. Pick this one up, you’re gonna enjoy it!
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Students of the Unusual™ comic cover used with permission of 3BoysProductions
The Mercuri Bros.™ comic cover used with permission of Prodigal Son Press
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