Comic Review: Strange Attractors

Strange Attractors
Written by Charles Soule
Art by Greg Scott
Colors by Art Lyon & Matthew Petz
Letters by Thomas Mauer
Cover by Dan Duncan
Archaia Entertainment
Release Date: May 15, 2013
Cover Price: $19.95

The Butterfly Effect.

A phenomenon in which a minor change in circumstances can cause a large change in outcome.

If you had the ability to manipulate the outcomes of several small events to prevent something on a larger scale from happening, would you do it? In the new graphic novel, Strange Attractors, the themes of chaos theory are explored and examined.

Heller Wilson is a mathematics graduate student. He’s on the verge of writing his thesis and he seeks the help of Dr. Spencer Brownfield, a brilliant professor, to complete it. Brownfield shares a secret with Wilson that he has the ability to control the outcomes of the entire city of New York through applications of the Butterfly Effect. Brownfield wants Wilson to become his apprentice. Dr. Spencer predicts that New York is in danger and someone has to protect the city long after his imminent death.

I’ve got to be honest. I’m a huge science fiction fan. There’s one part of this particular genre that interest me the most: time travel/time manipulation. I was already sold on this book the moment I read the premise.

What can I say about writer Charles Soule that I haven’t said before? He’s a prolific writer. Soule has the ability to create stories that are unique as well as entertaining. The best thing is that he’s improving with each new title he creates.

Strange Attractors is a fast paced read. I didn’t want to put it down. I really wanted to know what happens next and by the end, I was beyond satisfied with the book’s conclusion.
I can see that Soule has a love for not only the sci-fi genre and music but also the city of New York. It’s a love letter to a place that he’s called home for many years as referenced by the book’s introduction.

The art by Greg Scott is lovely. It’s full of detail and transports the reader to the world with a clear vision. Myself having never been to New York City enjoyed seeing the city through the artist’s interpretation. Even the colors by Art Lyon and Matthew Petz add another layer to the story as well as creating an overall tone to the book. The colors definitely capture the mood of the story whether the city is in a midst of chaos or our characters are on the verge of panic.

Strange Attractors is one compelling read. The story is intriguing and you can definitely see the love that this creative team has for New York City. If you’re a fan of science fiction like me then I encourage you to give this book a read. I highly recommend it!

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