Miss Fury #3
Written by Rob Williams
Art by Jack Herbert
Colors by Ivan Nunes
Lettered by Simon Bowland
Covers by Joe Benitez, Paul Renaud, Billy Tan and Wagner Reis
Dynamite Entertainment
Release Date: June 5, 2013
Cover Price: $3.99
Miss Fury #3 is the latest chapter in Dynamite’s latest Pulp Hero revival and one of the MOST confusing comics that I’ve ever read in recent memory. And, I’m loving every minute of it.
I hope writer Rob Williams has a scorecard for this book at home, because I’ve long since tossed mine out. No, I’m not stupid, but you have to agree when you’re reading a comic book about a time traveling hero who blinks and goes from 70 years in the past to 70 years in the future, you’d tend to get a little confused too. Not to mention cyborg Nazis who’re hiding in disguise are political figures in 2013 and trying to start World War II. That’s right, 2. It is this kind of “lets throw everything at the reader just for fun” action that I absolutely LOVE and here, Rob Williams totally makes it work for this book and the universe that it’s set in. To say that there’s a lot going on would be the understatement of the year. To say it’s pretty darn entertaining? Right on the money.
Artist Jack Herbert is pretty adapt at drawing in different styles. One panel he’s drawing an heiress drunk out of her mind in 1943, the next it’s a leather clad super heroin bouncing off motorcycles while dodging Robocop looking Nazis with Wolverine claws in the modern day. And you know what? It all looks great!
Do yourself and favor and pick up issues 1 and 2 of this very entertaining comic series, get comfortable and jump head-first into this all out fun comic series. You’re gonna love it!
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