Over twenty years after being introduced as the first Trading Card Game, Magic: The Gathering is being optioned for the silver screen. 20th Century Fox recently closed the deal that gives them access to the franchise for the purpose of creating a feature film, though it has been rumored they might seek to rival other huge fantasy movie franchises in the future.
At the helm is Simon Kinberg, a writer and producer who already works closely with Fox. Word has it that he’ll be working closely with Hasbro’s Daniel Persitz to bring this to fruition. Assisting him in this are Kira Goldberg and Ryan Jones who were directly involved in the acquisition of the rights to M:TG. There’s not a lot of details right now but we’ll be bringing you updates as we get them.
Wizards Of The Coast, a subsidiary of Hasbro, gave life to this game in 1993 and it was beyond successful. With spin-off products that included comics, books, video games and even clothing, this game has been an ongoing success for over two decades and it has been reported that there were over twelve million players as of 2011! As the success of the game continues, the fan base grows and if done correctly, this could be as big as The Lord Of The Rings series. The possibilities are nearly endless. But for now, it’s up to Fox and Hasbro. They do, after all, hold all the cards. Get it? All the cards?
[Source: The Hollywood Reporter]
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