Each and every week, I, “Mr. Freeze”, and “Captain Cold” Empress Eve read a lot of comics. Seriously you guys, a lot of comics. Maybe too many comics. I mean, it is possible”¦ theoretically. Naturally, we look forward to some more than others. I mean, who doesn’t? So, let’s take a look into the depths of our pull lists, grab some comics, and we’ll let YOU know what the top books to look forward to are for the week of January 22, 2014. Single issues and trades, they’re all here.
It’s another jam packed week with tons of new series from Marvel (All-New Invaders, Image (Deadly Class), DC (Harley Quinn #2), and the return of The Unwritten from Vertigo with Unwritten Vol. 2 Apocalypse #1. There’s also the end of a much loved series (at least by me) with the final issue of FF (FF #16). So you’ve got that, plus new issues of Mind MGMT, a great jumping-on point for Valiant’s Eternal Warrior, as well as the first trade for the same series. And then we’ve got the books below which are all more than worth your time and money, so let’s dive on in to an all new GoD List!
Henchman 21

Chew #39 (Image Comics – $2.99) It’s easy to forget that Chew should be on any top ten list of currently on-going comics, since it has been so consistently great for over 3 years at this point. Chew is not that flashy new comic that people like to gush over, it is just month in and month out a fantastic comic book. The story by John Layman continues to build as we get into the second half of the series (which is expected to end at issue #60). At this point, we know what main character Tony Chu’s motivations are, we have an understanding of where the story is going and how it might end. Now, that doesn’t mean that I’m not expecting quite a few more twists and turns for this tale, because I’m fully expecting that, but it’s nice to know where we are in the story. The series still maintains Layman’s massive imagination when it comes to introducing weird sets of food related powers, as he seems to have a new one (or more) in each issue. Add to that the always brilliant art of Rob Guillory which is not only one of the most unique looks on the stands, but is always packed to the gills with jokes and Easter Eggs. Each issue begs to be re-read and combed over to find every joke on every page. Chew continues to be an amazing comic that should be at the top of everyone’s reading list.
Planetary Omnibus (DC Comics – $75.00) If you don’t own a copy of Warren Ellis’ and John Cassaday’s masterpiece Planetary, then you once again do not have an excuse. Ellis has long been a writer who enjoys writing “about comics” and never is that more on display than in Planetary. Ellis mixes in almost every major superhero/adventure trope that has existed since comics began. He throws in homages to the Justice League, the Fantastic Four, Doc Savage, and even his own creation Spider Jerusalem. Planetary exists as a series that can be enjoyed as good mystery story, or it can be enjoyed as a look at what makes superhero comics work, or it can be enjoyed on about a dozen other layers. So yeah, Planetary is an amazing series, and I haven’t even brought up the astounding art from John Cassaday. This is from back in the day where he didn’t just draw covers, and his art still had a certain looseness to it that he seems to have lost at some point. You can see Cassaday’s evolution as an artist of the 27 issues of the main series, as well as the three special issues where the members of Planetary team up with Batman, the JLA, and the Authority. All in all, you have 30 issues of one of the best series ever published, and if for some reason you haven’t read this before, you owe it to yourself to pick this up.
Atomic Robo and the Savage Sword of Dr. Dinosaur #5 (of 5) (Red Five Comics – $3.50) You’re already buying this, right? Of course you are. I’m just letting you know to keep a look out for it, because I know you haven’t ignored all the times I’ve told you to buy Atomic Robo before. So, you know, don’t forget to pick this up.
The Midas Flesh #2 (BOOM! Studios – $3.99) Go here to check out our preview for the first six pages from this issue, and if you like what you see, you can buy the full issue today.
George Romero’s Empire of the Dead #1 (Marvel Comics – $3.99) This one goes out to all you horror fans who may not normally read comics, but would be interested in the right series. Well, here you’ve got master of horror George Romero returning to his favorite milieu of the zombie apocalypse. This time, the action is in New York City, and it looks like Romero is bringing in some vampires to add to his usual zombie action. Artist Alex Maleev is along to provide strong visuals and his gritty style to the series, which should make this appealing to horror fans.
Empress Eve

Archie’s Valentine Rock & Roll Romance TPB (Archie Comics – $10.99) We’re used to seeing Betty and Veronica battle for Archie’s affections, as the ginger man about Riverdale strings the two leading ladies along for decades now. But what would happen if Archie decided to hook up with someone else, say Valerie, the bassist from Josie & the Pussycats? That’s what Archie’s Valentine Rock & Roll Romance, now in trade paperback, explores in the “what if?” storyline “Archie Marries Valerie.” This book also introduces us to Trev, Valerie’s fellow musician older brother who’s out to steal Betty’s heart. This one is a nice change of place to the typical high school drama love triangle so typical in Archie Comics, and is a fun tie-in for the upcoming Valentine’s Day holiday.
Henry And Glenn Forever And Ever (Microcosm Publishing – $5.00)Do you guys remember Henry & Glenn Forever, the indie comic that imagined Black Flag’s Henry Rollins and Misfits/Danzig frontman Glenn Danzig in a committed, loving relationship? Well, the creators of that bizarre creation are back with some continuing adventures from the duo, called Henry And Glenn Forever And Ever, with issue #3 out this week. In this issue, Glenn is having trouble dealing with his mother living with him and Henry, so he takes off and the story ends up involving flu shots, karaoke, and Freddy Mercury. If you’re a fan of these musicians, then you’ll get a kick out of this one. (Catch up on the series with Issue #1 and Issue #2, both of which are also available as a Kindle ebook.)
Doc Savage #2 (Dynamite Entertainment – $3.99) Doc Savage #1 was highly anticipated and turned out to be a big hit with the gang here at GoD, so we were all eagerly awaiting this second issue, which brings us 10 years forward from the debut issue to 1949 where Doc and his gang are back from some exotic adventures. Now, Doc’s “Crime College,” the hidden hospital where he ‘cures’ prisoners of their criminal tendencies, has been discovered and Doc must make some difficult decisions. In his review this week of Doc Savage #2, our own PS Hayes continues to be impressed with writer Chris Roberson’s take on The Man of Bronze and praises the interior artwork by Bilquis Evely. If you’re on the fence about this series, just glaze upon the cover art by the great Alex Ross and be instantly drawn in. You won’t be disappointed.
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