Marvel Studios Reportedly Has Big Plans For The Hulk In Phase Three
By eelyajekiM
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Tuesday, July 1st, 2014 at 2:39 pm
The Incredible Hulk solo films have been proven difficult to adapt. Two movies already in the books, and none of them have given Marvel the confidence to move forward with another sequel. The character has proven his mettle in team efforts though, with fans expressing interest in seeing more of the Hulk after a wonderful display of smashing in The Avengers. But we haven’t seen much of the character in Phase 2, and with Phase 3 continuing right after Avengers: Age of Ultron, what we can expect to see from the Hulk is still very much in the air.
We’ve heard rumblings of a Hulk solo film happening in Phase 3, most of them being shot down almost immediately after they surface. But a new report indicates that a Hulk solo movie is in the works. Hit the jump to see where Marvel Studios expects to take the Hulk.
Many fans have speculated that if there was going to be a Hulk solo film, it would be based on the Planet Hulk storyline. While the idea sounds exciting at first, Mark Ruffalo says it would be difficult to make. According to him “You need more Banner. He added “The whole thing is just him as Hulk, on a planet, fighting other gladiators.”
That is the key thing that makes a Hulk standalone movie difficult to make. How much of the film do you make about Bruce Banner, and how much of it do you make it about the Hulk. But Marvel may have figured out how we will be able to see more of the Hulk. Spoilers will follow, so don’t continue unless you are really interested to see what Marvel may have planned for the Hulk.
Just like Avengers, Avengers: Age of Ultron sets the stage for foundation of Phase 3. Subsequent Thor, Captain America, Ant-Man, and Guardians of the Galaxy films will then set the stage for Avengers 3. Now HitFix’s Drew McWeeny is reporting that the Hulk will finally be featured in a film other than The Avengers.
“Without giving away why and how, let’s look at the state of things for Bruce Banner at the end of “Age of Ultron.” Banner continues to play a key role in things in this movie, and when the final war with Ultron spills onto the battlefield and out of the virtual realm, he has a major part to play. Unfortunately, that ends with him onboard a Quin jet on his way off the planet, with no way to immediately turn things around. He’s going to have to ride out the trip. It’s pre-programmed and he can’t stop it.”
While that may play into the idea that Avengers: Age of Ultron leads the Hulk into a Planet Hulk film, McWeeny says that it doesn’t. In fact, since the Hulk has more success on team efforts than solo ones, Marvel will have the Hulk appear on another team, the Guardians of the Galaxy to be precise.
“Here’s where I’d wager his spaceship is headed: wherever the Guardians of the Galaxy are located. If I was a betting man, I’d say there will be no Hulk solo film as part of Phase Three. Instead, Banner’s ship will take him to another planet, where he will end up meeting the Guardians and having an adventure with them. Hulk will definitely come out to play a few times. I suspect we’ll see some sequences that very much feel like they’re part of the Planet Hulk story, but that the larger story will be about the Guardians finding a way to get Banner home, only to end up going with him. That would move a big piece of the puzzle into place to get Thanos looking back at the Earth in time for the third ‘Avengers’ film.”
I actually feel that this is the best thing for a Hulk film. While it isn’t a solo one, it finds the balance of how much Banner and how much Hulk we will see. Hopefully this is Marvel’s plan.
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The Mercuri Bros.™ comic cover used with permission of Prodigal Son Press
Did you just give away the end of the new Avengers movie???
Comment by Douglas Waltz — July 1, 2014 @ 3:18 pm
Comment by Ataricade — July 2, 2014 @ 12:56 am