Ash vs Evil Dead
Episode 1.6 “The Killer of Killers”
Directed by Michael Hurst
Written by Nate Crocker
Starring Bruce Campbell, Ray Santiago, Dana DeLorenzo, Jill Marie Jones, Lucy Lawless, Kelson Henderson, Ben Fransham
Air date: Saturday, December 5, 2015, 9pm
Last week on Ash vs Evil Dead, Ash (Bruce Campbell) and friends managed to outsmart and defeat the demon Eligos. Unfortunately, not before Brujo (Hemky Madera) met his demise and Kelly (Dana DeLorenzo) got taken for a ride possession style. With the death count rising, Ash realizes he needs his companions and embraces his calling as their mentor. His drug-fueled visions at Brujo’s pointed him back to where it all started”¦ the cabin in the woods. Probably good timing, as Ruby (Lucy Lawless) and Fisher (Jill Marie Jones) inch closer to them, led by Ash’s original demonically charged severed hand.
In Episode 1.6 “The Killer of Killers,” The ladies arrive at Brujo’s finding the remnants of Ash’s path of destruction. Things don’t go so well though as the fiery remains of Brujo attacks Fisher. When Ruby gets a scythe (my all-time favorite horror implement), the demon accuses her of double crossing them and wanting the book for herself”¦ interesting twist”¦ before yanking her into the fire! Fisher, seemingly alone, speeds off after Ash, although the demon hand is missing”¦ uh oh.
Ash, Kelly, and Pablo (Ray Santiago) stop at a roadside diner for some good eats. I love how Ash is devouring his pancakes, cutting them ferociously with his new mechanized hand. He hasn’t been able to do that in 30 years! He tells them that he feels it’s time to separate, as their lives will be in too much peril at the cabin.
“If you go there, you’d end up possessed, and I’d have to kill you both and cut your heads off and that would just be bad for everybody.”
They’re in it to the end though, having each lost family already. Kelly wants to go down swinging, and Pablo”¦ well,
“Ash, if I was a deadite, I would be honored to have you chop my head off.”
Fisher calls backup to the restaurant to arrest Ash, who is busy trying to woo a waitress into some tawdry bathroom action and out of a $22 check. In the RV, Kelly and Pablo have a run-in with the Necronomicon, which has a very antagonistic relationship with Pablo’s necklace. Pablo is also concerned Kelly is obsessed with revenge and tries to give her some Brujo advice.
“Did you just Yoda quote me?”
Fisher barges in on Ash and proceeds to arrest him, but as usual the Evil Dead show up and disrupt the party. Soon, Fisher’s backup is a deadite as in Nancy the waitress and we have a tag team brawl, with the unlikely combo of Ash and Fisher teaming up. The highlight was the young kid getting tossed into a ceiling fan in a hilariously gruesome scene. Of course Pablo and Kelly arrive with Ash’s gear right on time.
Ash to Fisher – “What? You never see a guy with a chainsaw hand before?”
Kelly gets the best kill and scene in the whole series so far as she takes out the waitress deadite with a deli slicer and meat tenderizer. Ash recruits Fisher and the team has one more in the crusade against evil. Perfect timing on “Renegade” by Styx, too.
Another fast and furious ride with Ash and the gang, and holy hell was this a bloody good time. That Kelly kills a deadite in the kitchen scene was epic! I totally did not see Ruby getting killed so quickly, which means something must be up”¦ according to the Brujo demon, Ruby wants the book for herself. Guaranteed, she’ll be back and coming for Ash. I like the progression of Amanda Fisher. She’s targeted Ash since episode 1 because as a cop, she followed evidence that suggested he was responsible. But you can only see enough demons and watch Ash kill them in front of you before you start to trust him, even begrudgingly. I also like Ash’s flirting”¦ in typical Campbell fashion. Next week, the trek to the cabin continues, and Ash will seek the help of a local militia to arm up against the Evil Dead.
Ash vs Evil Dead returns next Saturday night at 9:00 ET on Starz.
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