Gotham Season 3 Episode 17: “Heroes Rise: The Primal Riddle”
Directed by Maja Vrvilo
Written by Steven Lillien & Bryan Wynbrandt
Created by Bruno Heller
Starring Ben McKenzie, Donal Logue, Sean Pertwee, Robin Lord Taylor, David Mazouz, Camren Bicondova, Cory Michael Smith, Erin Richards, Chris Chalk, Jessica Lucas, Drew Powell, Morena Baccharin FOX
Air Date: Monday, May 8th, 2017, 8pm
Last week on Gotham, the Court of Owls voted to “cleanse” Gotham. Uncle Frank (James Remar) warned Jim (Ben McKenzie) before killing himself to push Jim forward in the Court’s eyes. He met with them. He also asked Barbara (Erin Richards) for help about the shipment on Dock 9C. A ninja sliced her men to protect it. Penguin (Robin Lord Taylor) acted like a jerk to Ivy (Maggie Geha), who saved him despite that, when he put his trust in the wrong person. She suggested he form a team of “freaks” like them. The shaman opened Bruce’s (David Mazouz) mind and brought him back to the day his parents were killed. He told him he was important to Gotham.
Spoilers below.
Gotham 3.17 “The Primal Riddle” review: Penguin and Ivy travel through a blizzard to reach Victor Fries (Nathan Darrow), and make a proposition. Although not greeted “warmly,” he agrees after they present his suit, the key to his survival. I am completely fascinated by the makeup effects on Darrow – quite chilling (can’t help it!).
Jim is taken to the Court of Owls lair, and tells Kathryn (Leslie Hendrix) the lie that his uncle acted alone when he killed Peter Gordon. I don’t buy that she believes him.
Lee and Bullock (Morena Baccharin, Donal Logue) break the news to Jim about his uncle, but Lee is suspicious of Jim’s reaction. I’m not sure I like this new, bitter Lee. Jim tells the truth to Bullock after she leaves.
Barbara visits Ed (Cory Michael Smith) to figure out who this Court of Owls is. Ed remembers hints of it when he was at Indian Hill. He agrees to gather intel by going to Gotham’s elite at the theater. He warns them, “The Riddler is coming,” before running the stage actor through. He leaves a riddle for Jim – he’s after the Mayor James (Richard Kind). The mayor gets sick courtesy of Ed, then he steals him right out from under Jim.
Alfred (Sean Pertwee) is suspicious of Bruce’s actions. Bruce 2 says it’s because things went bad with Selina (Camren Bicondova), which calms him down. Bruce 2’s nose starts bleeding. He’s dying.
Penguin and Ivy recruit Bridgit (Michelle Veintimilla). She and Fries bicker (hot and cold) which is fun.
Jim goes to Barbara’s for answers. Tabitha (Jessica Lucas) won’t give up Nygma for Barbara’s sake, even though she hates him, but she warns Barbara of the visit and adds what a mistake it was to involve Nygma. I have to disagree with Tabitha. I really enjoy when Barbara and Ed team up.
Bruce 2 visits Selina, and she immediately knows something is weird. He confesses because he wants to save her. But when she puts him down as never being as good as the real Bruce, he stops her from telling Alfred by pushing her out the window. That night, the alley cats swarm over her body. Catwoman is born. This scene was both expected and unexpected. Expected, because we know this from the lore, plus we caught a glimpse in the season trailer. But it was very unexpected that Bruce 2 kills her.
Lee tells Jim that the bullet in Uncle Frank’s head was switched out. “When I find out what you did, I’m gonna make you pay for it, and I’m gonna enjoy it.” Come on, Lee.
Riddler goes on the 6:00 news to smoke out The Court of Owls, or threatens that the mayor’s head will explode.
Mayor: “We’re both dead men. The Court isn’t going to bargain with you.” Is he right?
Jim calls and teases the promise of answers. When Ed shows, Jim manages to save Aubrey and take Nygma for a ride. Jim tries to reminisce with him, but Ed says every friendship ends in betrayal. Kathryn pulls up. She is proud of Jim. They take Nygma away. James is inducted into The Court of Owls.
Another exciting episode. Jim’s growth is evident in his ability to not rush in yelling anymore, and to think and tread carefully. It’s a sign of maturity, unlike Selina’s “I’m gonna tell right now and you can’t stop me. Well, Bruce 2 certainly did. But she is actually a kid, so that’s understandable.
Penguin’s army gathering is comical. This season has been extra dark, and what I love about Gotham is that it doesn’t take itself too seriously. It’s like reading a comic on television. Kudos!
With 5 episodes left, there are a lot of knots to untangle. Penguin’s team does not feel done, and with the Court taking Nygma away, who is he teaming up against?
Some brief thoughts:
– I still ship Tabitha and Butch (Drew Powell).
– Too excited for the inevitable finale showdown!
– Barnes (Michael Chiklis) is coming up. That is going to be awesome.
– I adore Ed’s ego. So different from the beginning of the series.
Gotham airs Monday nights at 8:00pm ET on FOX.
FOX’s Synopsis:
Mr. Freeze (Guest Star Nathan Darrow) and Firefly (Guest Star Camila Perez) Return
MON MAY 8 8/9c
Some of Gotham’s most unhinged villains band together, while The Riddler (Cory Michael Smith) continues his conquest of the city. Gordon (Ben McKenzie) is on a search for answers and all roads keep leading him back to the Court of Owls. Meanwhile, as Alfred (Sean Pertwee) begins to notice a change in Bruce (David Mazouz), Bruce 2 confides in Selina (Camren Bicondova) in the all-new “Heroes Rise: The Primal Riddle” episode of GOTHAM airing Monday, May 8 (8:00-9:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX.
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Preview: Villains Vs. Villains | Season 3 Ep. 17 | GOTHAM
Some of Gotham’s most unhinged villains band together, while The Riddler continues his conquest of the city in an all-new episode this MON at 8/7c on FOX!
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