By Dr. Zaius
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Tuesday, August 21st, 2018 at 2:00 pm
Deadpool 2 Super Duper $@%!#& Cut – Unrated 4K Ultra HD | Blu-Ray | DVD | Digital
Directed by David Leitch
Starring Ryan Reynolds, Josh Brolin, Morena Baccarin, Zazie Beetz, T.J. Miller
Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment
Release date: August 21, 2018
“I was fighting a caped badass, turns out his mother’s name is Martha too”¦”
In 2016, Deadpool burst onto screen and into our hearts, earning a ridiculous $783 million worldwide and proving that Rated-R superhero films can indeed break banks. It’s follow-up, Deadpool 2, was one of the most anticipated films of this year and again topped $700 million worldwide. The very Rated-R superhero sequel about the merc with the mouth and his collection of crazy mutant friends hits stores today in a special appropriately named “Super Duper $@%!#& Cut” Blu-ray Edition packed with special features and a super duper extended cut of the film.
You can read my full review of Deadpool 2here. Starring the amazing Ryan Reynolds (he’ll tell you how great he is), along with Josh Brolin, Zazie Beetz, Morena Baccarin, and more, Deadpool 2 is one of my favorite films of the year and was the Blu-ray I was most hyped for because of the special features. While the movie is laugh out loud funny and perversely entertaining, the bonus features are almost as good.
There are two hilarious deleted scenes, one involving the potential murder of baby-Hitler and another with a great poke at Pixar’s Up as well as an obviously great gag reel. Frankly, I’m shocked they ever got a take without someone breaking in this movie.
Deadpool Family Values: Cast of characters – A nice 15-minute featurette about the overarching theme of family in the film. We get insights into Colossus, Fire Fist, Cable, and Domino with all the actors, writers, and crew members providing insight. Of course, because it’s a Deadpool movie, there are a ton of quips; my favorite is Reynolds on Brolin’s casting: “He was definitely a good third backup after Keira Knightley.”
David Leitch Not Lynch: Directing DP2 – A really cool 11+ minute feature on director David Leitch and his career as a stuntman, stunt coordinator, and move up to directing. Everyone is incredibly complimentary of Leitch, probably because they’re desperate to be hired for Deadpool 3.
Deadpool’s Lips are sealed: Secrets and Easter Eggs – An amazing look at how the cast and crew worked towards burying tons of easter eggs into the film, including an open challenge from director David Leitch. Ryan Reynolds was most obsessed with getting as many as possible in there, including the reveal of several cameos and more.
Until You Face Hurts: Alt Takes – Nearly ten minutes of watching the cast and writers try a wide array of different jokes and lines throughout filming. What shines through here is what a comedic genius Ryan Reynolds really is.
Roll With the Punches: Action and Stunts – About 7 minutes of stunt work and again Leitch’s background comes to the forefront. This was also cool for Brolin’s doing a lot of his own stunts and Zazie Beetz showing nerves before performing.
The Deadpool Prison Experiment – Another terrific 12-minute featurette focusing on the ins and outs of the Ice Box prison scenes, and the relationship between Deadpool and Julian Dennison’s Fire Fist. We also see storyboarded action sequences and Cable’s introduction.
There are also mini-featurettes running about 2 minutes each:
The Most Important X-Force Member – It’s Peter. It’s funny. Spin-off movie”¦ I’m down!
Chess With Omega Red – Literally, it’s chess”¦ with Omega Red
Swole and Sexy – A quickie (he he) about the gym regiments of Brolin and Reynolds and how hard it is to get up after multiple takes.
“3-minute monologue” – Brolin having fun while in makeup to become Cable
Deadpool’s fun sack: A collection of trailers and TV spots, featuring the phone booth trailer from Logan, the Bob Ross trailer, and more. A lot more”¦ 35 minutes of international and theatrical promo material. And it’s amazing!
And with that we finally reach the end of the bonus features. I didn’t even mention the audio commentary with Reynolds, the co-writers, and director. The film is hilarious and instantly rewatchable and so are the bonus features. This is one of the best Blu-ray sets I’ve seen in a while with special features fans will adore. You can add Deadpool 2 to your collection now as it’s in stores now. Maximum Effort!
Deadpool 2 | The Super Duper Cut Is Coming | 20th Century FOX
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