Warning! Spoilers below for Sunday night’s episode of Outlander!
Last week on Outlander, the Frasers decided to settle in America, but it was soured by their encounter with Stephen Bonnet, a man they generously saved from the British hangman’s noose, only to have him rob them of their jewels and of Jamie’s wedding ring from Claire with violence and blood, yet somehow remain charming.
Outlander 4.2 “Do No Harm” review: Jamie’s blames himself or Lesley’s death for trusting Bonnet. They arrive at RiverRun, a home “befit a king.” Jocasta greets Jamie with warmth, and Claire as well. Jocasta lost her sight, and Jamie told her the story of Stephen Bonnett. She is familiar with Jamie’s business mind., and welcomes it. Claire finds slavery uncomfortable.
Ian is vey curious about the Indians, a hint of foreshadowing to come.
Claire and Jocasta have a very honest conversation about keeping people as slaves. Jocasta understands why Jamie is drawn to Claire. There is a party in their honor. She announces that Jamie is her heir and master of the estate to him. Jamie and Claire are very surprised, and upset to own slaves. He tries to figure out a way to free them, but the ways are a danger to him and Claire and insurmountable.
As they discuss the problem, another arises… a slave has struck a white man and is being hung by a hook without permission. Claire and Jamie rush to help, and bring the young man back to the house to get the hook out. She saves him, and they speak to him for a bit. Her efforts were for naught. She is warned her that his fate will be worse now as a warning. The mob comes for him. Claire makes Rufus a tea to help him eternally sleep so he will not feel the pain of the mob. She held his hand as he passed.
The mob drags and hangs a dead body.
This episode was good in that it sets up Claire and Jamie’s future settling decisions. Should they take the tract of land knowing that the war is coming? Or should they stay on Jocasta’s land? While not a lot of time passes in this episode, a lot of action and conflict forces them to face moral dilemmas that they are not sure they can live with. One thing is certain, they are on the same page. I really enjoyed this episode and felt Claire’s pain as she sat with Rufus.
Outlander | ‘Do No Harm’ Ep. 2 Preview | Season 4
Claire and Jamie visit his Aunt Jocasta at her plantation, River Run. When tragedy strikes at the plantation, Jamie and Claire find themselves caught between what’s right and the law of the land.
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The Mercuri Bros.™ comic cover used with permission of Prodigal Son Press
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