‘Firefly’ Cast Talks Netflix Not Picking Them Up Yet, Scene We Never Got To See

Netflix has been known to bring a deceased TV show back from the dead a time or two over the years. Because of this geeks everywhere, myself very much included, have wondered why they haven’t resurrected one of the most obvious dead series: the criminally canceled Firefly, which wasn’t given long enough to find its audience in a time well before DVRs and on demand and mobile viewing, when the TV viewer numbers were all that mattered. Netflix has touched on why it’s not a show they feel (or felt, a few years back anyway) is right for them, but nothing more has been said of it.
Some of Firefly‘s actual cast members wonder the very same things we fans do about the show, as well. A mini cast reunion with Nathan Fillion, Jewel Staite, Adam Baldwin, Sean Maher, and Summer Glau went down recently at which they discussed Netflix, a scene we never got to see, and more.
See what they had to say below.
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SDCC 2012: ‘Firefly’ Special ‘Browncoats Unite’ To Air On Science Channel This November

Just recently we found out that the cast of Joss Whedon‘s cult classic series, Firefly, would be reuniting at San Diego Comic-Con in celebration of the 10-year anniversary of the show. It will be the first time the show has ever had a panel at Comic-Con, though if it had the popularity it has now back when it first arrived, surely this would be one of many memorable panels. Ah, yes…life may be too damn short for ifs and maybes, but they fit perfectly into dreams.
But alas, some good news is to be had! It’s being reported that a brand spankin’ new Firefly TV special titled Browncoats Unite is set to air November 11th on Science Channel.
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SDCC 2012: Joss Whedon, Nathan Fillion To Take Part In ‘Firefly’ Anniversary Panel

This year’s San Diego Comic-Con convention is still a couple of weeks off, but already geeks who will be in attendance have something special to look forward to.
For the first time ever, Firefly will be making its way to Comic-Con 2012.
Don’t get too excited, however—it’s not to announce the show’s return or anything along those lines. The panel is to celebrate the 10-year anniversary of the fan-favorite sci-fi western, which was canceled far too soon an immensely fast-moving decade ago. It will be held on Friday, July 13 at 12:30 p.m. in Ballroom 20.
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Fans, Neil Gaiman Help Bring Justice To Professor Threatened With Criminal Charges For ‘Firefly’ Poster

Back in September a story caught fire about a theater professor named James Miller at the University of Wisconsin–Stout who was threatened with criminal charges after intellectually challenged campus police removed a completely harmless Firefly poster for referring to killing, despite the fact that the poster actually stood for being fair and honorable.
The university stood behind the decision, and quite the battle unfolded as the professor sought his rightful freedom of speech. Then FIRE (Foundation for Individual Rights in Education) got involved and contacted the university about stopping this nonsense, with no success, and so, being Firefly fans themselves, they took to the internet.
A video of the story and how it unfolded has now been released by FIRE which features Mr. Neil Gaiman. You can check out how things turned out here below.
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