The Doctor Who TARDISblend 56: The Angels Take Manhattan
By cGt2099
| October 1st, 2012 at 11:01 am

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The first half of Doctor Who Series 7 concludes, and it begins with The Doctor (Matt Smith) with companions Amy Pond (Karen Gillan) and Rory Williams (Arthur Darvill) having a picnic in Central Park, New York in 2012. While there, Rory is zapped back to 1938 by one of the Weeping Angels.
The Doctor and Amy discover that their impending adventure is documented in a book, and they travel back to try and find and rescue Rory, only to discover that the Weeping Angels have established a feeding ground in New York City. Meeting up with River Song (Alex Kingston), the heroes find themselves in a fixed time loop problem, which may have tragic consequences for them all…
…or for some of them…
During TARDISblend 56, we discuss Steven Moffat‘s final farewell to the Ponds in The Angels Take Manhattan, and examine some of the more wibbly-wobbly aspects of the episode. We also make mention of some of the cooler Angel scenes in the mid-series finale, and look forward to the next episode being the Christmas special.
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Countdown To Doctor Who: New Series 7 Trailer Reveals River Song, Weeping Angels!
By cGt2099
| August 27th, 2012 at 3:15 pm

BBC America has released a brand new trailer for Series 7 of Doctor Who, that contains some awesome new footage not yet shown in the UK trailers. You can see the trailer in all its brilliance at the bottom of this post.
Some of the footage not seen before includes a short shot of River Song (Alex Kingston) and some film of the Weeping Angels from the final episode featuring Rory Williams (Arthur Darvill) and Amy Pond (Karen Gillan).
Doctor Who Series 7 showcases the return of the Eleventh Doctor, Matt Smith, and is produced by showrunner Steven Moffat. The seventh series will be split in two for broadcast: part one playing during the Fall, the Christmas Special introducing new companion Clara played by Jenna-Louise Coleman, and then part two concluding the seventh series during Spring 2013.
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Series 7 ‘Doctor Who’ Trailer Has Dinosaurs On A Spaceship & Iconic Daleks Of Death!
By cGt2099
| August 2nd, 2012 at 1:04 pm

The Doctor is back, and with the new Seventh Series only a few weeks away, it’s about time that BBC and BBC America have unleashed a brand new Doctor Who trailer. You can check it out at the bottom of this post.
Doctor Who Series 7 is believed to premiere on August 25 this year, with the first half being televised before the Christmas Special, the Christmas Special introducing new companion Clara played by Jenna Louise-Coleman, and then the second half of the season rounding everything up during the first half of 2013.
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Tags: Alex Kingston, Arthur Darvill, David Bradley, Doctor Who, Doctor Who Series 7, Jenna-Louise Coleman, Karen Gillan, Mark Williams, Matt Smith, Rupert Graves, Steven Moffat
Watch Now: ‘Doctor Who’ As A 16-bit Video Game
By cGt2099
| April 5th, 2012 at 5:00 pm

This was too brilliant not to share! The folks over at College Humor have prepared an extremely cool video simulation of Series 5 and 6 of Doctor Who if it had been made as a 16-bit video game. You can check out the clip at the bottom of this post.
The CH video contains a lot of allusions and aspects of the major story arcs from the previous two seasons that follow the Doctor’s Eleventh Incarnation (Matt Smith), as he encounters adventures with Amy Pond (Karen Gillan), Rory Williams (Arthur Darvill), and River Song (Alex Kingston). Even David Tennant‘s Doctor gains a cameo at the start for a fun regeneration sequence.
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Why A ‘Doctor Who’ Spin-Off Won’t Happen
By Not Sure
| March 28th, 2012 at 1:00 pm

Whether you like or inexplicably loathe Russell T. Davies, you have to admit that the man expanded the world of Doctor Who, working to fill it with a roster of unforgettable side characters like Rose, Jackie Tyler, River Song, The Doctor Donna, Wilfred Mott, Mickey, Martha Jones, and Captain Jack. Davies didn’t just let these characters roam though, he serviced them and made us care and even long for their return appearances.
Doctor Who, in the time of Steven Moffat, has not similarly excelled in this area. Oh sure, the love story of Rory and Amy will be written in the stars and spoken about for the whole of time (or something), and Moffat has more fully realized (for better or worse) River Song, his creation, but they don’t seem right for a spin-off and for the most part we only get snippets of other, smaller characters who we would love to get to know more.
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Tags: Alex Kingston, Arthur Darvill, BBC, Captain Jack, Doctor Who, Karen Gillan, Matt Smith, River Song, Russell T. Davies, Sarah Jane, Sherlock, Steven Moffat, The Doctor, Torchwood, Torchwood: Miracle Day