Well, folks, it is that time again. It’s time for Free Comic Book Day! On May 6, 2017, comic and book shops across the known ‘verse will offer up exclusive comics to patrons for free. But it’s not just about dropping in and grabbing free loot and bailing. No, friends, this is the day you need to get out and show your appreciation for these stores. Because while the comics are free to you, they are not free to the shopkeepers. They buy those for distribution as a way of thanking us for our business. And what better way to pay it forward is there than to drop a few bucks in their businesses? I’ll leave it to you and your conscience, but know that what you do on FCBD will affect what the shops are able to do in the future. My local comic shop closed, certainly you would not want the same fate for yours, would you? Click here to find a participating comic shop near you!
But all the peer pressure aside, let us take a look at what the day will bring us in the way of comics. But remember, every shop may not have every title.
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