Doctor Who: The Seventh Doctor #1 Written by Andrew Cartmel
Art by Christopher Jones
Colors by Marko Lesko
Executive Produced by Ben Aaronovitch
COVER A: Alice X. Zhang
COVER B: Photo – Will Brooks
“‹COVER C: Christopher Jones
COVER D: Simon Myers “‹ Titan Comics
Release date: June 6, 2018
Cover price: $5.99
While the Seventh Doctor may have gotten an unfairly bad rap during his time in the TARDIS, the last Doctor of the “Classic” era returns this week in Titan Comics’s 3-issue miniseries, simply titled Doctor Who: The Seventh Doctor.
For those unfamiliar with actor Sylvester McCoy’s history in the role, he came along in the wake of a particularly tumultuous time in the television series as the previous Doctor (Colin Baker) failed to endear himself to audiences and ratings reach an all-time low. Controversy on-and-off the screen led to the series taking an 18-month hiatus before returning for one final season of Colin Baker episodes before McCoy assumed duties as the titular Time Lord.
Below you’ll find the solicitations information and cover artwork for all of Titan Comics comic book titles that were released on April 13, 2016. This week includes a new Doctor Who comic and the second issue of Rivers Of London: Night Witch!
Students of the Unusual™ comic cover used with permission of 3BoysProductions
The Mercuri Bros.™ comic cover used with permission of Prodigal Son Press