Comic Review: KISS / Army Of Darkness #1

KISS/Army of Darkness #1
Written by Chad Bowers and Chris Sims
Art by Ruairi Coleman
Colors by Timothy C. Brown
Letters by Troy Peteri
Covers by Kyle Strahm and Greg Smallwood, Ken Haeser, Buz Hasson, and Blair Smith, Goni Montes
Dynamite Entertainment
Release Date: February 28, 2018
Cover Price: $3.99
You just cannot go wrong with a story about KISS, you know? But like peanut butter and chocolate, some things are even better with a pairing. This holds especially true in KISS/Army of Darkness #1. Entrusted with the power of The Destroyer, our fearsome foursome uses their power to protect mankind, rather than for destruction.
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Tags: Army of Darkness, Blair Smith, Buz Hasson, Chad Bowers, Chris Sims, Dynamite Entertainment, Goni Montes, Greg Smallwood, Ken Haeser, Kiss, Kyle Strahm
‘Ash vs. The Army of Darkness’ Comic Celebrates Film’s 25th Anniversary

I think if you told Sam Raimi and Bruce Campbell back in the late 70s that the uber low-budget horror film they were working on would still be relevant to pop culture four decades later, they would’ve probably turned the blood hose on you. But alas, the allure of Ashley J. Williams and is just too strong. Thirty-six years after the original Evil Dead film and 30 years after its classic sequel Evil Dead 2: Dead By Dawn, and 25 years after its ridiculous horror-comedy third installment Army of Darkness, Ash is still trucking along killing deadites and fighting the Necronomicon on Starz network’s Ash vs Evil Dead, which was renewed for a third season. Since 2004, Dynamite Entertainment has been the home of the Ash vs. The Army of Darkness comic book series, so in honor of Army Of Darkness‘s silver anniversary, Dynamite is releasing a special all-new series starting with a #0 issue at the “S–Mart Special” price of only $0.99.
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The GoD List: Web Comics For February 29, 2012

Each and every week “The Crazy 88’s” MK2Fac3 and “Fox Force Five” Henchman21 read a lot of (web) comics. Seriously you guys, a lot of (web) comics. Maybe too many (web) comics. I mean, it is possible”¦ theoretically. They look forward to some more than others, I mean, who doesn’t, right? So, let’s take a look into the depths of their pull lists RSS Feeds, grab some (web) comics, and we’ll let YOU know what the top books web comics to look forward to are for the week of February 29, 2012. Single issues panels and trades pages, they’re all here.
We hardly ever talk about web comics here on The GoD List, but that doesn’t mean that there aren’t some fantastic ones out there. In fact, they are probably more great web comics available for free all across the Internet than there are comics available in stores for $2.99 and up. So, with that in mind, and considering that this week is extremely light in print comics considering the February leap day/fifth week syndrome that has infected comic book publishers, we’re turning our attention to web comics.
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Tags: Awesome Hospital, Benjamin Birdie, Chad Bowers, Chris Haley, Chris Sims, Cocotte, Curt Franklin, Dork Tower, Joe Hunter, John Kovalic, Josh Krasch, Kat Vapid, Kevin Church, Let's Be Friends Again, Matt Digges, Ryan Kelly, The GoD List, The Rack, Web Comics