Disney’s upcoming animated Zootopia is a buddy cop comedy that sees the return of talking animals. But it is something unlike anything you have seen before. That’s because this film will feature anthropomorphic, bipedal animal characters in a modern world with no humans.
But directors Bryon Howard (Tangled, Bolt), co-director Rich Moore (Wreck-It Ralph), and producer Clark Spencer (Lilo and Stitch, Winnie The Pooh) didn’t just set out to make another generic talking animal film. They wanted to give Disney fans and audiences of all ages something substantial, something a person could believe in if a place like Zootopia actually existed.
So they set off to do research on almost everything from the way an animal moves all the way down to the individual strands of fur on their body. And when you combine that with a great story, and the classic Disney tradition, you get the makings of a film that is not only entertaining, but has the potential to be great.
Earlier this Fall, Geeks Of Doom was part of a group of journalists who were invited to see how a film like Zootopia comes together, the amount of research that is put into the film to design the look and feel of the characters and their surroundings, and what it takes to get the story just right. Below you will get to see what we learned about the 2016 film, the tour that we took on their temporary campus while the original animation studio underwent renovations, and much more.
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