The Drill Down 588: Web of Hate

On this week’s The Drill Down podcast, Media journalist Tom Cheredar joins us to discuss: Apple launches its credit card, Disney bundles its subscriptions, a harbor of hate on the web loses its platform, we make time slow to a crawl, and much, much more.
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Tags: 8chan, Alexa, Amazon, Apple, CloudFlare, Disney, Disney Plus, espn, Galaxy S10, Google, Hulu, Lego, President Trump, Samsung, Siri, The Shining
The Drill Down 489: Free Speech on the Net, Solar Eclipse 2017
 [Photo by Kirsten Jorgensen.]
On this week’s Drill Down podcast, the battle for free speech on the internet, Android Oreo is here, Solar Eclipse 2017, Samsung bursts onto the scene with a new Galaxy Note, Elon Musk wants to stop killer robots, and much, much more.
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Topics: Apps, Computers, Electronics, Features, Gadgets, Podcasts, Science, Software, Space, Technology, The Drill Down
Tags: Alphabet, Android, Android O, Android Oreo, CloudFlare, data throttling, EFF, Electronic Frontier Foundation, Elon Musk, free speech, Google, Google Home, HTC, Jeff Immelt, Net Neutrality, Nexus, Oreo, robots, Solar Eclipse, Space, SpaceX, Uber, Verizon, Virtual Reality, Vive, VR, WalMart
The Drill Down 271: Reps Forked By Dongle

This week, a global Internet apocalypse is upon us!… or is it? Twitter turns seven, Blizzard‘s next Warcraft is not an RPG but a card game, streaming video heats up, the iPhone’s on T-Mobile, Scientists plan a real Jurassic Park, and a dongle joke that spiraled way out of control.
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Tags: Blizzard, Children of Liberty, CloudFlare, CyberBunker, Daylight, DDOS, Dive Kick, DNA, dongle, HBO Go, iPhone, Johann Sebastian Joust, Jurassic Park, PAX, PAX East, PlayHaven, PyCon, Python, RPG, SendGrid, Shootmania, SpamHaus, Spotify, Summly, t mobile, Twitter, World of Warcraft, WoW, Yahoo