Below you’ll find the solicitations information and cover artwork for all of Dynamite comic book titles that were released on December 30, 2015. I’m really enjoying the Vampirella storyline with Aliens, or is it the Aliens storyline with Vampirella. Whichever, it’s been fun. I also got my first taste of Warren Ellis writing James Bond. Well done, sir. Well done, indeed.
Below you’ll find the solicitations information and cover artwork for all of Dark Horse Comics comic book titles released on December 2, 2015. My personal faves this week are Mystery Girl #1 and This Damned Band #5!
Deep Gravity Paperback | Kindle
Story by Mike Richardson
Script by Gabriel Hardman and Corinna Bechko
Art by Fernando Baldo
Colors by Nick Filardi
Letters by Nate Piekos of Blambot
Cover and Chapter Break Art by Gabriel Hardman and Matthew Wilson Dark Horse Comics
Release Date: March 24, 2015
How exciting would it be to travel to another planet that holds remarkable similarities to our own? But what if you had to take a three-year trip just to get there? Of course, you are in a suspended animation during the journey but still…three years? That gives even the most curious folk pause. Especially when you consider the fact that staying on this new world for too long is deadly. But corporate greed makes the world(s) go ’round, so people still find themselves motivated to go. But for some people it’s not about the money. Deep Gravity gives us a bit of it all in the telling of this tale.
Star Wars: Legacy, Vol. 2 #6 Written by Corinna Bechko and Gabriel Hardman
Art by Brian Albert Thies and Rachelle Rosenberg
Covers by Livio Ramondelli Dark Horse Comics
Release Date: August 28, 2013
Cover Price: $2.99
After closing the introductory story arc of the new Legacy series, we now find Ania Solo heading into the next chapter of her destiny. The orientation of the first chapter out of the way, our main characters now begin to take their places in the ever changing backdrop of the Star Wars galaxy.
Fresh from her confrontation with Darth Wredd, Ania Solo is now known by Empress Fel as both having a common ancestor in the form of Han Solo and Princess Leia. She is summoned to Coruscant to meet with the Empress, and is in transit on board the Imperial Star Destroyer Animus. AG-37 and Sauk, meanwhile, are given an opportunity they cannot pass up.
Star Wars: Legacy, Vol. 2 #4 Showdown with a Sith!
Script by Corinna Bechko and Gabriel Hardman
Art by Gabriel Hardman and Rachelle Rosenberg
Cover by Dave Wilkins Dark Horse Comics
Release Date: June 26, 2013
Cover Price: $2.99
Picking up the outstanding groundwork established in the original Legacy series, and creating some new outstanding work of their own, the creative team of Corinna Bechko and Gabriel Hardman continue delivering the goods with the new Star Wars: Legacy, Vol. 2, focusing on a descendant of Han and Leia, named Ania Solo.
Unlike Cade Skywalker from the first series, Ania has no formal Jedi training, and is more in the vein of a Han Solo smuggling underworld type of character. Following the gargantuan galactic war with the One Sith led by the formidable Darth Krayt, the galaxy is now run by a new Triumvirate, a conglomeration of multiple governments working together to form a prosperous and peaceful time to come.
Students of the Unusual™ comic cover used with permission of 3BoysProductions
The Mercuri Bros.™ comic cover used with permission of Prodigal Son Press