Fall 2023 Book Recommendations

Fall is almost upon us! This is my favorite season of the year in general, but also my favorite time for reading. There’s always a plethora of titles being released for the season, many of which are perfect for Halloween and even the Christmas Horror subgenre. I always have so much fun putting together my Fall reading recommendations not only because of all the new titles I’m anticipating, but also so I can look back on what was released earlier in the year and read anything I might have missed.
Below are some titles — with accompanying links to the print, ebooks, and audiobooks editions — that I personally am looking forward to this Fall, presented here in order of release date, starting with those releasing in September 2023. After this main list, I’ve included some titles that came out earlier this year that you might have missed that would be appropriate to read this Fall. At the end, I included recommendations for themed Cookbooks, Crafts, Guides, Coloring Books Sourcebooks, and Tarot Decks that would be great to dive into during the spooky season.
Continue on to check out my Fall 2023 Book Recommendations…
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Tags: Ace Books, Alison Goodman, Berkley Publishing, Bloomsbury Publishing, Bret Easton Ellis, Brian Herbert, Burt Solomon, Carissa Orlando, Carlo Rovelli, Cassandra Khaw, Catriona Ward, Chronicle Books, Chuck Wendig, Clay McLeod Chapman, Dune, Elizabeth Hand, Grady Hendrix, HarperVoyager, Hocus Pocus, Insight Editions, Jane Austen, Janice Hallett, Jessie Burton, John Hay Mysteries, John Scalzi, Kevin J Anderson, Kim Harrison, Knopf, Kotaro Isaka, Lev AC Rosen, Medusa, Mur Lafferty, Naomi Novik, Necronomicon, Oppenheimer, Quirk Books, Rachel Harrison, Richard Kadrey, Shirley Jackson, Soho Books, Stephanie Barron, Stephen King, Stranger Things, Tarot Cards, Tarot Deck, The Haunting of Hill House, The Nightmare Before Christmas, The Overlook Press, Tor Books, Wheel Of Time
Holiday Gift Guide 2022: Books, eBooks, and AudioBooks

Another holiday season is almost upon, which means another great reason to buy and gift all things books! And there are some truly beautiful offerings from the publishing world this year, such some new illustrated editions of J.R.R. Tolkien works and Game Of Thrones/House Of The Dragon tomes, as well as Star Wars box sets; tie-ins for Star Trek, Stranger Things, and the Marvel and DC universes; graphic novel collections; hard rock and heavy metal memoirs; book-related gifts; fun, pop-culture-themed cookbooks, and much more!
Check out our Holiday Gift Guide 2022 for Books, eBooks, and Audiobooks for our favorite holiday gift picks for the readers in your life.
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Tags: 2022 Holiday Gift Guide, Andy Warhol, Batman, Classic Monsters, Classic Monsters Unleashed, Dracula, Dragonlance, Dune, Elric, Ghostbusters, gift guide, Gift Guides, Holiday Gift Guide, Jimi Hendrix, Lord of the Rings, Lou Reed, Marvel, Patti Smith, Quirk Books, Reading List, Sandman, Star Trek, Star Wars, Stephen King, Stranger Things, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Tolkien, Wheel Of Time
Seandps Top 10 Movies Of 2021
By Seandps
| February 1st, 2022 at 7:17 pm

We did it folks! We survived another crazy year, that had a few high moments as well as a few not so great moments. We were back in theaters (sort of), and then Omnicron variant hit, and we are still in theaters, although perhaps with a little hesitation. With my handy A-List status at my local AMC theater, I was able to increase the number of new movies I saw in 2021 to 53 (I hit 42 in 2020). What did I learn this year? Well, I missed the theater experience, thankfully I had a great experience with one of the movies in my top ten list. Streaming continues to be a dominant force; some movies don’t necessarily need to be seen on a big screen, but still plenty new releases were enhanced by going to the theaters again. For 2020, I got a little crazy and added a +1 to my Top Ten list, because I had a hard time with picking the movie to grab that #10 spot. It did happen again this year, so I just wanted to give a quick shout-out to my honorable mention, Mortal Kombat. It finally gave us the R-rated version with all of the violence and gore, with a story that was lacking at many angles, but not all movies need to be Oscar winners. So with no further delay, let’s get to my Top Ten Movies of 2021.
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Tags: Best Of, Best of 2021, Bo Burnham, Dune, Films of 2021, French Dispatch, Godzilla vs. Kong, Inside, Justice League, Last Night In Soho, Movies of 2021, The Suicide Squad
Holiday Gift Guide 2021: Books, eBooks, and AudioBooks

We had hoped it wouldn’t come to be, but 2021 turned out to be more of the same from the previous year thanks to the pandemic. Lots of hunkering-down isolating or enjoying the great outdoors more often than usual. And once again, books played a big part in helping us all cope and maintain some kind of normalcy. Now more than ever, books in all their various formats will make a great gift this holiday season. This year saw a resurgence of Dune; illustrated versions of J.R.R. Tolkien works; memoirs from the world of rock and heavy metal; graphic novel collections; fun, pop-culture-themed cookbooks; stories from the imaginations of Stephen King, Neil Gaiman, and Grady Hendrix; continuing adventures from the Star Trek, Star Wars, and Marvel universes, and much more.
Check out our Holiday Gift Guide 2021 for Books, eBooks, and Audiobooks for our favorite holiday gift picks for the readers in your life.
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Tags: 2021 Holiday Gift Guide, Anthrax, Disney, Disney Villains, Dune, Frank Bello, Friends, gift guide, Gift Guides, Holiday Geek Gift Guide, Holiday Geek Gift Guide 2021, Holiday Gift Guide, Marvel, Marvel Studios, MCU, Nikki Sixx, Paul McCartney, Star Trek, Star Wars, The Beatles
Fall 2021 Book Recommendations

Welcome first day of Fall 2021…. and with it come lots of new books!
Last year, aka Pandemic Year 1, while self-isolating and staying indoors as much as possible, I threw myself into reading … print books, magazines, ebooks, and audiobooks. So while it was a stressful year on a whole (for all of us), I really enjoyed being able to prioritize reading. This year, what’s become Pandemic Year 2, I wanted to get outside a bit, but also continue to be on the safe side, which meant road-tripping and hiking the great outdoors. Therefore, I’ve leaned more towards audiobooks.
Below are some titles — with accompanying links to the print, ebooks, and audiobooks editions — that I personally am looking forward to this Fall, presented here in order of release date, starting with those releasing in September 2021. After this main list, I’ve included some titles that came out earlier this year that you might have missed, as well as some themed Cookbooks, Crafts, and Guidebooks, along with an Audiobook Spotlight. And with the Fall comes, of course, Halloween and some spookier picks!
Continue on to check out my Fall 2021 Book Recommendations…
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Tags: A Marvelous Light, Abrams Books, Anthrax, Ashley Poston, Becky Chambers, Best Of, Best of 2021, Bookish and the Beast, Brent Spiner, Charlie Jane Anders, Chasing Ghosts, Cookbooks, Dead Jack, Disney Villains, Dune, Fan Fiction: A Mem-Noir, Final Girls Support Group, Frank Bello, Freya Marske, Grady Hendrix, Horseman, Jeanne Darst, Julie Tremaine, Justin Hernandez, Kelly Ann Jacobson, Laurell K. Hamilton, Legend of Sleepy Hollow, Magic the Gathering, Neil Gaiman, Nightmare Before Christmas, Once Upon A Con, Pat Shand, Peter Pan, Piranesi, Quirk Books, R.A. Salvatore, Reading List, Sleepy Hollow, Star Trek, Star Trek: Designing the Final Frontier, Supernatural, Susanna Clarke, Tanya Lapointe, Tarot Cards, The Autobiography of Spock, The Lighthouse Witches, The Sandman, Titan Books, Tor Books, Tor Teen, Una McCormack, Wendy and Tink, Whisper Down The Lane, Wizards of the Coast