Comic Review: Frogcatchers By Jeff Lemire

Hardcover | Kindle
Written and Illustrated by Jeff Lemire
Publisher: Gallery 13
Release date: September 24, 2019
Frogcatchers begins with an elderly man awakening after a dream in which he was a child again catching frogs in a pond near his home. Where he finds himself is a strange room with no memory of, well, anything save for that dream. He decides to venture out to find out what happened, where he is, and why. What he discovers is a room key identifying that he’s in an old hotel from which he seemingly cannot get out. When he calls out for help, a young boy shows up and quickly ushers him into the basement of the hotel in an attempt to escape from the Frog King and his agents who are out to get them.
Even more confused and desperate now, the man convinces the boy to let him use the key to open its assigned room in hopes of discovering a way out on the other side. Begrudgingly and under extreme duress, the boy relents. Thus their adventure continues.
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Comic Spotlight: Black Hammer Volume 1: Secret Origins

Black Hammer Volume 1: Secret Origins
Written by Jeff Lemire
Art by Dean Ormston
Colors by Dave Stewart
Letters by Todd Klein
Cover by Dean Ormston and Dave Stewart
Dark Horse Comics
Release Date: March 29, 2017
Cover Price: $14.99
This one was new for me. I’m not sure how it has eluded me for so long, but I must admit that I am smitten. Black Hammer Volume 1: Secret Origins collects the first six issues of the series into one volume that tells a cohesive story all the while exploring what it is to be alone and yet together. This dilemma is the result of a sacrifice gone too far. Not to say that the group wasn’t grateful, just that isolation and protection does not always equal freedom.
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Comic Spotlight: Dark Horse Number Ones

Dark Horse Number Ones
Written by Cullen Bunn, Matt Kindt, Gerard Way, Joelle Jones, Jamie S. Rich, Kurtis Wiebe, Mike Mignola, Jeff Lemire, Brian Wood, Sharlene Kindt, Dave Stewart
Art by Gabriel Ba, Joelle Jones, Dean Ormston, Matt Kindt, Mack Chater, Mindy Lee, Tyler Crook,
Colors by Laura Allred, Dave Stewart, Sharlene Kindt, Lee Loughridge, Leonardo Olea, Andy Cotnam, Tyler Crook
Letters by Tyler Crook, Dave Stewart, Crank!, Todd Klein, Marie Enger, Nate Piekos, Clem Robins
Dark Horse Comics
Release Date: March 29, 2017
Cover Price: $6.00
Okay, first off, if I have to try to convince you to buy a comic that contains eight premiere issues for a measly six bucks then I might just have to reassess what I am doing here.
I have reviewed any number of these titles at different times and I cannot even begin to stress to you how great of a deal this is. Dark Horse Comics continues to amaze me with their marketing strategies. I can think of no better way to test out some new comics than with this compilation. Folks, I present to you Dark Horse Number Ones!
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Tags: Andy Cotnam, Black Hammer, Bounty, Brian Wood, Briggs Land, Clem Robins, Crank!, Cullen Bunn, Dark Horse Comics, Dark Horse Number Ones, Dave Stewart, Dean Ormston, Dept. H, Gabriel Ba, Gerard Way, Harrow County, Hellboy, Jamie S. Rich, Jeff Lemire, Joëlle Jones, Kurtis Wiebe, Lady Killer, Laura Allred, Lee Loughridge, Leonardo Olea, Mack Chater, Marie Enger, Matt Kindt, Mike Mignola, Mindy Lee, Nate Piekos, Sharlene Kindt, The Umbrella Academy, Todd Klein, Tyler Crook
Valiant Entertainment Comic Book Releases For October 26, 2016

Below you’ll find the solicitations information and cover artwork for both Valiant Entertainment comic book titles that were released on October 26, 2016. These are two of the Future Of Valiant titles, a great jumping-on point for new readers.
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Tags: Bloodshot U.S.A., Butch Guice, Cully Hamner, Dan Parent, Dave Johnson, Derek Charm, Doug Braithwaite, Francis Portella, Fred Van Lente, Generation Zero, Jeff Lemire, Ryan Stegman, Stephen Mooney, Tom Muller, Valiant Entertainment
Valiant Entertainment Releases For March 23, 2016

Below you’ll find the solicitations information and cover artwork for all of Valiant Entertainment comic book titles that were released on March 23, 2016.
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Tags: Al Barrionuevo, Benjamin Marra, Bloodshot, Bloodsquirt, Death-Defying Doctor Mirage, Jeff Lemire, Jen Van Meter, Joe Bennett, Kano, Michel Fiffe, Ninjak, Paul Maybury, Ray Fawkes, Reborn, Robert Gill, Robert Venditti, Roberto De La Torre, Second Lives, Valiant Comics, Valiant Entertainment, X-O Manowar