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Dynamite Comic Releases For December 30, 2015
Waerloga69   |  @   |  

Dynamite Entertainment logo

Below you’ll find the solicitations information and cover artwork for all of Dynamite comic book titles that were released on December 30, 2015. I’m really enjoying the Vampirella storyline with Aliens, or is it the Aliens storyline with Vampirella. Whichever, it’s been fun. I also got my first taste of Warren Ellis writing James Bond. Well done, sir. Well done, indeed.

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Comic Review: Miss Fury #3
PS Hayes   |  @   |  

Miss Fury #3Miss Fury #3
Written by Rob Williams
Art by Jack Herbert
Colors by Ivan Nunes
Lettered by Simon Bowland
Covers by Joe Benitez, Paul Renaud, Billy Tan and Wagner Reis
Dynamite Entertainment
Release Date: June 5, 2013
Cover Price: $3.99

Miss Fury #3 is the latest chapter in Dynamite’s latest Pulp Hero revival and one of the MOST confusing comics that I’ve ever read in recent memory. And, I’m loving every minute of it.

I hope writer Rob Williams has a scorecard for this book at home, because I’ve long since tossed mine out. No, I’m not stupid, but you have to agree when you’re reading a comic book about a time traveling hero who blinks and goes from 70 years in the past to 70 years in the future, you’d tend to get a little confused too. Not to mention cyborg Nazis who’re hiding in disguise are political figures in 2013 and trying to start World War II. That’s right, 2. It is this kind of “lets throw everything at the reader just for fun” action that I absolutely LOVE and here, Rob Williams totally makes it work for this book and the universe that it’s set in. To say that there’s a lot going on would be the understatement of the year. To say it’s pretty darn entertaining? Right on the money.

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Comic Review: The Black Bat #2
PS Hayes   |  @   |  

The Black Bat #2The Black Bat #2
Written by Brian Buccellato
Art by Ronan Cliquet
Colored by Mat Lopes
Lettered by Rob Steen
Covers by Marcos Martin, Billy Tan, Jae Lee, Ardian Syaf and Joe Benitez
Dynamite Entertainment
Release Date: June 5, 2013
Cover Price: $3.99

Reading The Black Bat #2 will further cement what we now know as FACT. Dynamite Entertainment loves its pulp heroes and takes extra good care of them. I’m not sure just who it is, I’m guessing senior editor Joe Rybandt, but someone at DE goes the extra mile to see that all these books are treated with the utmost care and that they all have a genuinely sincere creative team working together to ensure that the best versions of these characters are hitting the stands.

Writer Brian Buccellato, best known for his work on DC Comics The Flash, takes what could’ve easily been a Batman rip-off and does something that’s not even remotely related to one of “those types of stories.” In fact, he goes out of his way to make the character unique and independent and stand out on his own. And we’re rewarded for all his hard work by having a great comic!!!

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Comic Review: The Black Bat #1
PS Hayes   |  @   |  

The Black Bat #1The Black Bat #1
Written by Brian Buccellato
Illustrated by Ronan Cliquet
Colored by Matt Lopes
Lettered by Rob Steen
Covers by J. Scott Campbell, Joe Benitez, Ardian Syaf, Billy Martin and Marcos Martin
Dynamite Entertainment
Release Date: May 1, 2013
Cover Price: $3.99

The Black Bat #1 is Dynamite’s latest offering into the awesome selection of pulp comics they’ve been putting out recently. Of all the heroes that are in their stable, The Black Bat is the least recognized. BY FAR. Will it matter?

Writer Brian Buccellato, who’s been killing it over at DC on The Flash, brings us the story of The Black Bat. Now, I have to admit, I knew nothing about this character and a quick Wikepedia search didn’t really help much either. So, I went in not knowing what to expect. And, as is most oftentimes the case with the Dynamite pulp line, I was VERY pleasantly surprised. Buccellato introduced me to a character I’d never heard of and made him seem like an old friend that I was visiting again. This is just a very well written comic from start to finish. Buccellato gives us just enough of the origin of The Black Bat to satisfy, and at the same time, leave us wanting more. For once, I’m glad to see that they first issue of a series is NOT the origin story, that’s told through some cleverly places flashbacks, but just an all-out, great crime solving, thug-beating story. Very impressive.

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Dragon*Con 2012: Aspen Comics Panel
Zenestex   |  

Dragon*Con 2012: Aspen Comics panel

Dragon*Con 2012′s Aspen Comics panel was attended by co-owner and company president Frank Mastromauro, co-owner and company vice president of publishing Peter Steigerwald, creator Joe Benitez (Lady Mechanika), and creator Alex Konat (Fathom).

Peter Steigerwald opened the panel with his traditional, loud, audience-participation, “ALOOOOOOHA!” Mastromauro followed with a 20-minute promotion of Aspen Comics’ upcoming releases which included details and cover art for Soulfire, Executive Assistant Assassins, Idolized, Homecoming, Kiani, Lady Mechanika, Charismagic, Broken Pieces, Michael Turner’s Fathom, Shrugged, Dead Man’s Run, Haunted City, Mindfield, and Zooiverse, which will most likely see a title change.

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