The Muppets
Directed by James Bodin
Starring Jason Segel, Chris Cooper, Amy Adams, John Henson
Release Date: November 23, 2011
So, let me start this review by saying I wasn’t the hugest fan of The Muppets characters when I was growing up and I’ve never cared for musicals. Even today I have a healthy respect for the fandom and appreciate the iconic nature of Jim Henson’s creations, but am still not what I’d call a fan of the franchise. So with these caveats in mind I may actually be the perfect person to review this film, simply titled The Muppets, or the absolute wrong person.
I sort of stand in parallel to Jason Segel, the star of the film and co-writer. He’s the person really responsible for making the film happen. He fought to be involved with the project and fought to get the movie made, all because he loves the characters so much. Segel is an actor having starred in such films as Forgetting Sarah Marshall and I Love You Man, but his true talent may be as a writer. He wrote Forgetting Sarah Marshall, a film that ended up being much better than it should have been.
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