God Hates Astronauts #5
Written by Ryan Browne
Art by Ryan Browne
Colors by Jordan Boyd
Letters by Chris Crank & Ryan Browne
Edited by Jordan Browne
Designed by Thomas Quinn
Covers by Ryan Browne and Nick Pitarra & Ryan Browne
Image Comics
Release Date: January 7, 2015
Cover Price: $3.50
God Hates Astronauts #5 is, hands down, the funniest issue of the series so far. And that’s saying something considering the previous four issues! You seriously have to see some of this stuff to believe it. Now, I’ve all ready spoiled the answer, but is this book worth picking up? Let’s dig a little deeper and find out.
I would hate to meet writer Ryan Browne‘s imagination in a dark alley. I’m pretty sure I would come out on the loosing end of that fight. I have NO idea where Browne comes up with not only these characters, but the story itself, and it’s in the story itself where you realize just how talented this guy is. You have a bunch of characters that don’t belong in the same universe IN the same universe, and as you read through the issue, you realize that where the story goes is very natural and organic yet chock-full of surprises, twists, and turns. And I haven’t even mentioned how laugh out loud FUNNY this book is. I lost count about halfway through the issue at how many times that I actually laughed out loud, and I can honestly tell you that I haven’t done that since I was a little kid reading Popeye comics. Again, anything that I could possibly write here would NOT do the comic justice; you have to read it for yourself.
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