The Drill Down 254: A Mini Refresh

This week, Apple launches the iPad Mini as well as a slew of other product upgrades. Should you trade up your 3rd Generation iPad for the new Lightning iPad? Listen in and find out. Joining us on the panel this week is Box.com IT consultant Tosin Onafowokan.
But first, the headlines…Kim Dotcom launches Mega, Microsoft launches Windows 8, Windows Phone 8, Surface, SmartGlass & a new Halo 4 trailer, Zynga uses Apple’s launch to cover layoffs of over a hundred employees, and Google officially announces Nexus 4, Nexus 7 and Nexus 10.
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Tags: Apple, Box.com, Google, Halo 4, iCloud, iPad, iPad Mini, Jony Ive, Kim, Lighning, Mega, Megaupload, Microsoft, Nexus, Nexus 10, Nexus 4, Nexus 7, Scott Forstall, SmartGlass, Surface, Tim Cook, Windows 8, windows phone 8, Zynga
The Drill Down 241: Covering A Tragedy

This week, Dwayne DeFreitas and Andrew Sorcini examine social media’s reaction to the tragedy in Aurora, plans to relaunch Digg, why a Google or Facebook buyout of your favorite startup means it’s probably toast, Nexus 7‘s overwhelming demand, Marissa Mayer‘s big question, Apple‘s Mountain Lion launch, Apple vs. Samsung (again), and why you’re going to need all new dock connectors for your Apple devices.
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Tags: Apple, Aurora, Colorado, Digg, Facebook, Google, Marissa Mayer, Mountain Lion, Nexus 7, OSX, reddit, Samsung, Sparrow, The Dark Knight Rises, Yahoo
The Drill Down 239: Playing With Google

On this week’s show, Google wants to put Google Play in every living room and on your mobile devices (and they’ve built a tablet to do just that), Apple wins some, loses some, and puts podcasts in their place.
But first, the headlines…Amazon creates content to compete with Netflix, Microsoft buys Yammer for $1.2 B, Zynga launches “Zynga With Friends,” and Facebook changes your email.
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Tags: Amazon, Android, Apple, Brave, Disney, Disney/Pixar, Dolby, Dolby Atmos, Facebook, Galaxy Tab, Google, Google Now, Google Play, Jelly Bean, Microsoft, Motorola, Netflix, Nexus, Nexus 7, Nexus Q, Pixar, podcasts, Project Butter, Samsung, Steve Ballmer, Stitcher, The Drill Down, Yammer, Zynga