Below you’ll find the solicitations information and cover artwork for all of Oni Press comic book titles that were released on August 17, 2016. It’s not a big comics week as far as quantity goes, but the second issue of Brik is here as is the end of the first arc of Heartthrob. Sometimes it’s about quality over quantity, you know?
Brik #1 Written by Adam Glass (@AdamGlass44) and Michael Benson (@MPBenson)
Art by Harwinder Singh
Colors by Gonzalo Duarte
Letters by Melanie Ujimori (@merumorimaru)
Cover by Harwinder Singh Oni Press
Release Date: July 6, 2016
Cover Price: $1.99
Going into Brik #1, I was just as excited as I usually am. New mini-series from Oni Press? Count me in! But when I got about a third of the way into this first issue, all I felt was disappointment. Not to say the comic is horrible, just not very new or original. Perhaps it is just the timing, but it left me feeling let down.
Curious, oh wondrous reader? Of course you are. Continue on for more information.
Below you’ll find the solicitations information and cover artwork for all of Oni Press comic book titles that were released last week on June 15th, 2016.
Below you’ll find the solicitations information and cover artwork for all of theOni Press comic book titles that were released yesterday, June 8, 2016. I’m really digging the Merry Men #1 this week, what a fun twist with a bit of historical theory!
Students of the Unusual™ comic cover used with permission of 3BoysProductions
The Mercuri Bros.™ comic cover used with permission of Prodigal Son Press