The Drill Down 456: No One Behind The Wheel

On this week’s Drill Down podcast, driverless ride-sharing is emerging, Russia’s part in hacking the U.S. election, President-Elect Trump meets with tech leaders, Bill Gates leads a fight against climate change, Â and much, much more.
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Tags: Alex Karp, Alphabet, Amazfit, Amazon, Apple, Barack Obama, Bill Gates, Boston Dynamics, Brian Krzanich, Chuck Robbins, Cisco, Data breach, Donald Trump, Eight Sleep, Elon Musk, Eric Schmidt, Facebook, Galaxy Note 7, Ginni Rommety, Google, IBM, Intel, Jeff Bezos, Larry Page, Microsoft, oracle, Palantir, Peter Thiel, President Obama, Safra Catz, Samsung, Satya Nadella, Sheryl Sandberg, Tesla, Tim Cook, Travis Kalanick, Uber, Vladimir Putin, Xaomi, Yahoo
The Drill Down 448: Bad Hombres

On this week’s Drill Down podcast #448 “Bad Hombres,” Donald Trump is insecure, but Peter Thiel is still supportive. Tesla goes fully autonomous, Netflix takes over Hollywood (and CBS steps up to challenge), and Red Dead Redemption shoots for 2017…and much, much more!
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The Drill Down 430: WWDC & E3 2016

This week, the internet is legally free for all, but not for Gawker, Microsoft buys LinkedIn, and all the latest from Apple‘s Worldwide Developers Conference and the Electronic Entertainment Expo…and much more!
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Topics: Apps, Computers, Conventions, E3, Electronics, Features, Gadgets, Games, Podcasts, Science, Software, Technology, The Drill Down
Tags: 3D Touch, Apple, Apple Music, Apple News, Apple Pay, Apple TV, Apple Watch, Bozoma Saint John, E3, Electronic Entertainment Expo, Gawker, Gawker Media, Hulk Hogan, iMessage, iOS, iPhone, LinkedIn, MacOS, Microsoft, Net Neutrality, Nintendo, Nintendo NX, OS X, Peter Thiel, Pokémon Go, Project Scorpio, PSVR, Sierra, Siri, Sony, SunSpring, Tim Cook, tvOS, WatchOS, WWDC, Ziff Davis
The Drill Down 428: 10-Core Workout

This week, Jawbone UP is down and out, Intel busts out 10-core chips, does the Hulk Hogan/Gawker suit threaten journalistic free speech?, Google vs Oracle is a victory for fair use, how European hate speech laws will affect US social media …and much more!
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Tags: Apple, Broadwell-E, Gawker, Google, Intell, Jambox, Jawbone, Jawbone Up, Nick Denton, oracle, Peter Thiel, Philips Hue, Philips Hue Iris, Windows 10
The Drill Down 427: Peter Thiel, We ♥ You (Don’t Sue)!

This week, we’re once again joined by Greg Davies, host of Blendover and Heavy Metal Historian podcasts (and of course the TARDISBlend podcast hosted here at Geeks of Doom) as we discuss Uber tests autonomous cars, Twitter lets you tweet longer, Google‘s modular phone Project Ara, will Apple become the next Blackberry, are crime algorithms racist? And why you shouldn’t piss off Peter Thiel …and much more!
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Tags: Activision Blizzard, Amazon, Amazon Echo, Apple, ATAP, Blizzard, Echo, Ford, Gawker, Google, IMAX, LootCrate, Maker Faire, Marissa Mayer, Nexus 5X, Nick Denton, Overwatch, Peter Thiel, Project Ara, Project Fi, SDK, Siri, Spotify, Twitter, Uber, VR, WWDC, Yahoo, Yi Technology