We all know that Rockstar’s Grand Theft Auto franchise is the one to point at when you’re a complete and utter moron trying to blame inexcusable real-life violence on video games. Rockstar knows this too. Hell, they even enjoy it. There’s a reason it’s the one of the biggest entertainment titles in the history of mankind. People just love being naughty, even if they won’t admit it to your face, and GTA lets you be a little (OK, a lot) naughty without breaking any real laws.
Most are fully aware video games are harmless, and that a ridiculously large amount of people play them—including the ultra violent ones like GTA—without running out their front door and shooting everyone in sight after playing. Sure, there’s a few people who do. But there’s a whole lot more dark and twisted going on in those peoples’ worlds than just a gaming hobby. The people who do try to blame violence on video games are usually psychotic middle-aged soccer moms who’d rather point the finger than, you know, do a little basic parenting, or older folks who stare dumbfounded at Fox News all day long like it’s the latest episode of Everybody Loves Hypnotoad.
In the latest and one of the more fascinating videos from the popular REACT YouTube channel, a group of older folks play the latest game in the series, Grand Theft Auto V. And the results might just surprise you. Watch the video here below.
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