Friday night on AMC’s horror streaming service Shudder, Joe Bob Briggs returned with another The Last Drive-In special, the Halloween Hootenanny, featuring a triple threat of Michael Myers movies and Darcy the Mailgirl doing Tom Atkins cosplay. The original 1978 Carpenter classic was followed by 1988’s Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers and 1989’s Halloween 5: The Revenge of Michael Myers. The latter of which, Joe Bob called a torture device. You won’t have to wait too long to get your fill of Joe Bob’s wisecracking commentary, film history tidbits, and drive-in totals as he’ll be ushering in the holiday season with Joe Bob’s Red Christmas, a holiday-themed triple threat of horror going live on Shudder on Friday, December 13, 2019.
Red Christmas Blu-ray
Written and Directed by Craig Anderson
Starring Dee Wallace, Sam Campbell, Gerard O’Dwyer, Janis McGavin, Sarah Bishop, David Collins Artsploitation Films
Unrated | 82 Minutes
Release Date: October 17, 2017
If you were scrolling through Amazon Prime’s horror lists and passed off Red Christmas as yet another generic holiday slasher, I implore you to turn back and give it a shot. Written and directed by Australian filmmaker Craig Anderson and starring genre icon Dee Wallace (Cujo, ET), Red Christmas is much more original and unique then its title may imply. Yes, there is a masked killer stalking a family celebrating the holidays, but there is much more than meets the eye here. Anderson’s film dives right into socio-political themes slasher films rarely explore, and uses them as a catalyst for the action within. And while it would be easy to choose a side of the debate, Anderson leaves viewers with a lot to think about. I was so tremendously impressed and surprised by this film, and now, right in time for Halloween, Red Christmas is on Blu-ray and available on Amazon Prime.
Students of the Unusual™ comic cover used with permission of 3BoysProductions
The Mercuri Bros.™ comic cover used with permission of Prodigal Son Press