The Sarah Jane TARDISblend 44: The Curse Of Clyde Langer
By cGt2099
| October 18th, 2011 at 2:25 pm

The Sarah Jane Adventures continues, with a new adventure that’s become considered to be as good as a Doctor Who episode. An odd meteorological occurance leads Sarah Jane (Elisabeth Sladen) and her team into investigating a strange totem pole on display in a museum. While examining the exhibit, Clyde Langer (Daniel Anthony) gets cut by a splinter from the totem, causing an unnerving series of events.
Following his blood being spilt by the totem, Clyde’s name becomes cursed… turning everyone around him to hate and despise him after the mention of his name. Disowned and kicked out from home, Langer finds himself on the streets alone, homeless, and without hope… until a homeless girl he had previously helped callled Ellie (Lily Loveless) enters his life, and helps him adjust to the street life.
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Tags: Curse of Tippecanoe, Daniel Anthony, Doctor Who, Elisabeth Sladen, Lily Loveless, Matt Smith, Sarah Jane Adventures, Sarah Jane Smith, TARDISblend, The Curse of Clyde Langer, The Sarah Jane Adventures
New Teaser Videos Released For ‘Doctor Who’ and ‘Torchwood’!
By cGt2099
| April 2nd, 2011 at 9:32 am

The teasers in the universe of Doctor Who continue to come out. With Series 6 only three weeks ago, and following the official BBC trailer release the other day, BBC America has posted a trailer for the American broadcast including additional footage. On top of that, also in the Whoniverse, Starz USA has also released their teaser trailer for Torchwood: Miracle Day. You can see both trailers at the bottom of this post.
2011 is a big year for Doctor Who fans, with Series 6 premiering with opening episode The Impossible Astronaut on April 23. Matt Smith, Karen Gillan, Arthur Darvill, and Alex Kingston reprise their roles in the series, performing in stories penned by Steven Moffat, Neil Gaiman, Mark Gatiss, and more. This year is the first time a Doctor Who season will be split into two portions; with the first half playing during Spring, and the second following in Fall.
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Tags: Alex Kingston, Arthur Darvill, Doctor Who, Doctor Who Series 6, Dr. Who, Elisabeth Sladen, Eve Myles, Impossible Astronaut, John Barrowman, Karen Gillan, Mark Gatiss, Matt Smith, Miracle Day, Neil Gailman, Sarah Jane Adventures, Steven Moffat, The Impossible Astronaut, The Sarah Jane Adventures, Torchwood, Torchwood: Miracle Day, Whoniverse
Premiere Announced & Poster Revealed For ‘Torchwood: Miracle Day’
By cGt2099
| March 23rd, 2011 at 3:30 pm
Big news for Doctor Who and Torchwood fans today, as Starz USA announced that the fourth series of Torchwood will launch its premiere episode on Friday, July 8, 2011 at 10pm ET/PT. Starz has also released some new poster artwork for the new series, which you can view here at right. Entitled Torchwood: Miracle Day, the series originally from the BBC, will feature the return of John Barrowman and Eve Myles who will be reprising their roles as Captain Jack Harkness and Gwen Cooper respectively.
New to the world of Torchwood are Mekhi Phifer, Bill Pullman, Lauren Ambrose, Alexa Havins, and Arlene Tur. Phifer is said to have a major role in Miracle Day, portraying Rex Matheson, a CIA agent investigating a global conspiracy behind what could be a serious threat to humanity.
The official announcement from Starz elaborates on the plot of Miracle Day:
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Tags: Alexa Havens, Arlene Tur, Bill Pullman, Captain Jack Harkness, Crash, Doctor Who, Doctor Who Series 6, Dr. Vera Juarez, Dr. Who, Eat Pray Love, Esther Drummond, Eve Myles, Fat Girls, Gwen Cooper, John Barrowman, Lauren Ambrose, Mekhi Phifer, Miracle Day, Oswald Danes, Rex Matheson, Sarah Jane Adventures, The Sarah Jane Adventures, Torchwood, Torchwood: Miracle Day, When in Rome
‘Doctor Who’ Legend Nicholas Courtney aka The Brigadier Has Died
By cGt2099
| February 23rd, 2011 at 11:51 am
Today marks a sad day around the universe for Doctor Who fans. Long-time cast member Nicholas Courtney has passed away at the age of 81. Courtney portrayed the famous Brigadier Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart, otherwise referred to as the Brigadier, alongside eight of the eleven Doctors. His first role as Lethbridge-Stewart was in The Web of Fear opposite Patrick Troughton‘s Second Doctor, and his final role in the Doctor Who universe was along with Elisabeth Sladen in a 2008 episode of The Sarah Jane Adventures entitled Enemy of the Bane.
Aside from Doctor Who, Courtney has made his mark in other television series over the years, including Escape, The Avengers, All Creatures Great and Small, and Yes Prime Minister. Despite his acting in other shows, he is forever known as the Brigadier, an aspect of his career Courtney was openly proud of.
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Tags: All Creatures Great and Small, Bane, Battlefield, Bret Vyon, Brigadier, Brigadier Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart, Christopher Eccleston, Colin Baker, Daleks Master Plan, David Tennant, Dimensions in Time, Doctor Who, Dr. Who, Elisabeth Sladen, Enemy of the Bane, Escape, Jon Pertwee, Master, Matt Smith, Mawdryn Undead, Nicholas Courtney, Patrick Troughton, Peter Davison, Sarah Jane Adventures, Sylvester McCoy, The Bane, The Brigadier, The Daleks Master Plan, The Master, The Sarah Jane Adventures, The Web of Fear, time lords, Tom Baker, U.N.I.T., UNIT, Web of Fear, Webber Douglas School of Singing and Dramatic Art, William Hartnell, Yes Prime Minister
TARDIS Materializes In Front Of Raglan Castle In Wales
By cGt2099
| February 22nd, 2011 at 11:06 pm

News has been a little quiet on the Doctor Who front lately, but we do know that production is continuing on the three main shows, Doctor Who, Torchwood: Miracle Day, and The Sarah Jane Adventures. Meanwhile, we came across some cool info on the web that the official TARDIS prop is on display in front of a classic medieval castle in Wales.
In South East Wales, the Doctor’s TARDIS will be on display in front of Raglan Castle during the February half-term (for those of us not in the UK, half-term is a little vacation halfway through the school term — thanks, Terr, for the clarification).
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Tags: Doctor Who, Dr. Who, Jon Pertwee, Led Zeppelin, Masque of Mandragora, Miracle Day, Raglan Castle, Sarah Jane Adventures, Song Remains The Same, South East Wales, Stones of Blood, Tardis, Terry Gilliam, The Masque of Mandragora, The Sarah Jane Adventures, The Song Remains The Same, The Stones of Blood, The Time Warrior, Time Bandits, Time Warrior, Tom Baker, Torchwood, Torchwood: Miracle Day, Wales