The Pound #1
Written by Stephan Nilson
Art by Karl Waller
Colors by Romulo Fajardo Jr
Lettering by Charles Pritchett
Frozen Beach Studios
Release date: March 30, 2011
I always like when a new horror comic comes around, and that’s what we’re getting with The Pound, a new series from Frozen Beach Studios. The Pound has a premise that I have kind of seen before, but is different enough for me latch on to. The Pound has a lot of great potential, and a first issue that sets everything up in a nice way and gets the mystery going.
The issue starts with a bit of horror, as we see the standard girl in peril in a dark alley, until she is rescued by a couple of werewolves. We then cut to Scott and Howie, a couple of exterminators who lose their jobs in a round of layoffs, but decide to pull themselves up and start their own extermination company. A couple of weeks later, the company has been started, and the pair run into a case that may be more than they can handle. Where this case will lead them is anyone’s guess.
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