Being a Whovian that is also the co-host of Geeks Of Doom’s TARDISblend podcast, I’m a little picky and particular about my Doctor Who stuff. But I can say, without a doubt, that Titan Comics’ opening salvo for their Doctor Who: Ninth Doctor comic book series is a good shot.
First up, you have the Christopher Eccleston Doctor, in all his grumpy glory, with his adorable companion Rose Tyler who is still softening up his hardened Time War scars.
However, what makes this book special is Captain Jack.
Waiting for a new season of Sherlock is already hard enough as it is, so waiting for two years for new episodes makes it that much harder. But developing these episodes isn’t easy, for Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman are essentially working on three movies in the span of a year. And with the actors both in high demand, scheduling to work on a new season has been difficult.
Freeman was conducting a few interviews earlier this week, and spoke about a Sherlock Christmas Special. It wasn’t the new season we were all hoping for, but getting one episode of Sherlock, a Christmas-themed episode no less, would be more than enough to satisfy our fix. But as it turns out, there is more to it than that. It has been confirmed that the Christmas Special will also be followed by season four of the series. Hit the jump for more.
NBC comedy television show Community recently included a very short parody/rip-off/tribute (choose your label) to Doctor Who. The clip shows a Doctor-like character called Inspector SpaceTime, who travels through history, and includes a Dalek-like villain. You can view the video of the Inspector SpaceTime portion of the episode here at the bottom of this post.
Series Six of Doctor Who continues, and Team TARDIS find themselves on the mysterious world of Apalapucia, with the Doctor (Matt Smith) promising grand tours of gardens and mountains. However, the Doctor and Rory Williams (Arthur Darvill) find themselves separated from Amy Pond (Karen Gillan) – and it’s discovered they’re not only separated by distance, but by time itself as Amy is trapped in a faster and separate time stream.
In an effort to rescue Pond, The Doctor uses the TARDIS to track down Amy’s specific time stream – only for Rory to find that although their arrival was successful, Amy has been waiting 36 years to be rescued. Bitter and aged, the old Amy Pond proves to be a cunning warrior, with incredible skills in temporal technology. The unusual situation will position Rory into making some difficult decisions, and into facing some impossible realities.
During TARDISblend 39, we review the events of The Girl Who Waited, becoming one of the best episodes of the current season – perhaps second only to Neil Gaiman‘s The Doctor’s Wife. Written by Tom MacRae, the adventure flips the situations for many of the characters, as we see further hints of the Doctor’s darker side.
Here’s a bit of fun for Doctor Who fans, and Buffy The Vampire Slayer fans as well. Punkocarp has posted to YouTube a nice mashup of the two — it’s a Doctor Who opening sequence, but done in the style of the Buffy series. I’m a big fan of opening sequence mashups, and have enjoyed the Star Wars ones that have floated about the web, and I have to say that I was pretty impressed with this one.
The clips selected for the sequence are well chosen as well. They fit the style of the Buffy opener, and also included are a couple of little snippets from the upcoming Doctor Who series as well. Check out the video below.
Students of the Unusual™ comic cover used with permission of 3BoysProductions
The Mercuri Bros.™ comic cover used with permission of Prodigal Son Press