Movie Review: Happy Death Day 2U

Happy Death Day 2U
Director: Christopher Landon
Writers: Christopher Landon
Cast: Jessica Rothe, Israel Broussard, Phi Vu, Suraj Sharma, Ruby Modine
Studio: Universal Pictures
Rated PG-13 | 100 Minutes
Release Date: February 13, 2019
Christopher Landon‘s first Happy Death Day was a darkly fun and hilarious slasher spin on the Groundhog Day concept. In it, a vain and selfish Tree (Jessica Rothe) found herself reliving her murder on her birthday over and over again. Though there wasn’t much more to it than that, it was still smart enough to borrow, blend, and subvert elements from other slasher and time loop films to make for a very entertaining guilty pleasure watch. Along with Rothe’s energetic performance, audiences stayed glued to the screen to watch how she would get out of her time loop and figure out who her killer was.
Now everyone is back for Happy Death Day 2U. While the sequel’s humor may not work quite as well as it did in the first, and it does stray away from the slasher mystery bit, it does take Tree’s character arc in a new direction by taking a surprisingly emotional turn and using a more geeked out concept by adding in some Back to the Future Part II to keep the deja vu concept going.
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‘Happy Death Day 2U’ Trailer: Babyfaced Killer Comes Back For More Birthday Fun

It’s not every day that you get to die on your birthday and then come back to life only to relive the same horrible moment. Universal and Blumhouse’s Happy Death Day was a twisted take on the Groundhog Day concept that turned out to be a hit. As such a sequel was greenlit. Of course, it couldn’t follow the same old plot.
Now it will be up to Tree Gelbman (Jessica Rothe) to rescue her friends from certain death. Only thing is, if she dies, she may not be able to come back to save them. Check out the newest trailer for Happy Death Day 2U, below.
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Disney In Depth: ‘Million Dollar Arm’ Movie Review

Million Dollar Arm
Director: Craig Gillespie
Writer: Tom McCarthy
Cast: Jon Hamm, Lake Bell, Suraj Sharma, Madhur Mittal, Pitobash, Aasif Mandvi, Bill Paxton, Alan Arkin
Walt Disney Pictures
Rated PG | 120 Minutes
Release Date: May 16, 2013
Million Dollar Arm strikes the right feeling in Disney’s winning line of sports films. With an aptly cast Jon Hamm portraying real-life agent J.B. Bernstein, the movie balances the essence of the tough and sometimes manipulative world of athletics with the right amount of heartwarming spirit. But does Arm play hardball or go straight for the sentiment? The uplifting tone may be everything you would expect, but the journey it takes in reaching that point throws some curveballs along the way.
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Tags: Aasif Mandvi, Alan Arkin, Bill Paxton, Disney, Disney In Depth, Jon Hamm, Lake Bell, Madhur Mittal, Million Dollar Arm, Pitobash, Suraj Sharma, Walt Disney Pictures
Famous Monster’s Favorite Film Quotes of 2012

2012 was a fantastic year for movies. Films like The Dark Knight Rises and Marvel’s The Avengers entertained audiences with blockbuster action sequences and the ultimate in childhood wish fulfillment, while movies such as Drew Goddard‘s Cabin in the Woods and Gareth Edward‘s The Raid: Redemption will long be remembered as putting the nail in the coffin of their respective genres.
We saw new films from acclaimed directors like Steven Spielberg, Quentin Tarantino, Ridley Scott, Christopher Nolan, Ang Lee, David O. Russell, Paul Thomas Anderson, William Friedkin, Steven Soderbergh, Ben Affleck, Sam Mendes, and Kathryn Bigelow. Not to mention the latest offerings from Rian Johnson, Joss Whedon, Richard Linklater, and newcomers Colin Trevorrow, Benh Zeitlin, and Stephen Chbosky.
So many memorable characters – so many great lines delivered by talented actors inhabiting their roles. Here are some of the best (and a few of the worst) film quotes from 2012. Feel free to include your own in the comments! You can also check out my Top 25 Films of 2012 here!
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Tags: 21 Jump Street, Alan Arkin, Argo, Bane, Beasts of the Southern Wild, Bernie, Blake Lively, Bobby Monday, Bradley Whitford, Bruce Banner, Bruce Willis, Channing Tatum, Daniel Craig, Django Freeman, Django Unchained, Dredd, Hushpuppy, James Bond, Jamie Foxx, Jenko, Jennifer Lawrence, Jessica Chastain, Joe Cooper, Judge Dredd, Karl Urban, Kenny Brevard, Killer Joe, Lancaster Dodd, Lester Siegel, Life of Pi, Logan Lerman, Looper, Magic Mike, Mark Duplass, Mark Ruffalo, Matthew McConaughey, Michael Fassbender, Michael Shannon, Movies Quotes, Old Joe, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Pi Patel, Premium Rush, Prometheus, Quvenzhané Wallis, Safety Not Guaranteed, Savages, Seth MacFarlane, Silver Linings Playbook, Skyfall, Suraj Sharma, The Avengers, The Cabin in the Woods, The Dark Knight Rises, The Master, The Perks of Being a Wallflower, Tom Hardy, Zero Dark Thirty