G.I. Joe: The Cobra Files #2 Written by Mike Costa
Pencils by Antonio Fuso
Inks by Emilio Lecce
Colors by Arianna Florean
Letters by Neil Uyetake
Consulting Editor: John Barber
Editor: Carlos Guzman
Covers by Michael Lark, Antonio Fuso and Dan Matutina IDW Publishing
Release Date: May 22, 2013
Cover Price: $3.99
G.I. Joe: The Cobra Files #2 is all around a great comic. It’s heavy on the talking, a little light on the action, but all in all, it serves it’s purpose by being both interesting AND entertaining.
Mike Costa writes an issue here, that’s a LOT of set up, and you can tell that, when it hits, the payoff is going to be HUGE. He does some really great character work here. You’ve got the Chameleon, Flint, Lady Jaye and others trying to figure out what the first Cobra Commander’s son, Billy, does and doesn’t know about the Cobra organization. One thing that I wasn’t quite clear on, is just WHY they think Billy is such a threat to national security. But, I’m guessing that that will come out in a future issue. Overall, it’s a very interesting issue.
Students of the Unusual™ comic cover used with permission of 3BoysProductions
The Mercuri Bros.™ comic cover used with permission of Prodigal Son Press