Six Gun Gorilla Long Days of Vengeance #1-2
Written by Brian Christgau
Art by Adrian Sibar
Letters by David Sharpe
Cover by Wes Huffor with Derek Dow
Release Date: June 12, 2013
Cover Price: $1.99
Written by Brian Christgau and drawn by Adrian Sibar, Six Gun Gorilla is a delightful revival of an old serial tale from Wizard magazine. True to its Pulp origins, Christgau and Sibar crafted a simple and plausible back story to their utterly fantastic protagonist: One 800-lb. silverback mountain gorilla. No seriously.
Six Gun Gorilla #1 opened with the unlikely scene of a poncho-wearing gorilla with a cowboy hat and custom-made six-shooters executing an unrepentant villain (with the villain drawing first, of course). The story quickly moved back in time to show a baby gorilla taken from his mother’s arms by an English poacher, who quickly loses his prize trophy to a slick-witted Irishman in a card game. (If there were any justice, the Mc was cheating.)
Students of the Unusual™ comic cover used with permission of 3BoysProductions
The Mercuri Bros.™ comic cover used with permission of Prodigal Son Press