Remember when that first X-Men: First Class picture came out, and everyone was stunned by how atrocious it was? Fortunately the movie was much, much better than that picture.
Thankfully for us, early marketing for the sequel, X-Men: Days of Future Past, is going much better. The movie already has people excited due to its megafusion of the casts of First Class, Bryan Singer‘s (who returns to the franchise to direct again) first two X-Men movies, and new actors like Game of Thrones star Peter Dinklage.
Two new posters for the movie have been released, and they’re pretty incredible. The posters feature Professor X and Magneto, both young and old, and all four actors who portray them, Ian McKellen, Patrick Stewart, Michael Fassbender, and James McAvoy, in one brilliant design. Check out the posters below!
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