Sweet Jesus — New ‘Terminator Salvation’ Trailer
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So… you didn’t think Terminator Salvation could look any more bad-ass then is has so far? I’m here to tell you that you’re wrong.

Forget all the drama, forget all of the PG-13 arguments, that’s all for later discussion. Right here and now, Yahoo! Movies has the new trailer that will play in front of Watchmen this weekend, and I have to say — it’s easily the best trailer that we’ve seen so far. This is one of those trailers that fans will watch over and over and over again.

One of the stories that director McG has been telling on the convention circuit is how Christian Bale (John Connor) told him to re-do the whole script. That if he was going to do the movie, it had to be based on character and story, not action. Thankfully McG agreed with him that the draft was bad, they hired The Dark Knight co-writer Jonathan Nolan to help out, and the rest is history. This is the first trailer where we see this story playing out. We’ve always had a good look at the amazing visuals and the job that McG has done building a post-apocalyptic Judgment Day world, but seeing the story and characters was kept to a minimal. With this trailer you get a look at the visuals, the characters, the story, the performances, and even a well-used soundtrack.

Click on over for your look at the new Terminator Salvation trailer.

Interestingly enough, while watching, I got a kind of Battlestar Galactica feeling from it. Not look wise or anything like that, but with what they’re doing with Sam Worthington‘s Marcus Wright character — it has a very Cylon feel to it, which is cool without being at all unoriginal.



  1. damn. sweet.

    Comment by Siah — March 3, 2009 @ 1:19 pm

  2. oh my, by the beard of Odin I’m starting to change my mind about this movie. Arnie who!!

    Comment by scrotumbagmonkeyflicker — March 3, 2009 @ 1:39 pm

  3. Looks awesome so far.

    Comment by JoJo — March 3, 2009 @ 10:40 pm

  4. F**k you guys who counted McG out a few years ago. =) That dude is a pimp, straight up!

    Comment by Ted Brown — March 5, 2009 @ 1:14 pm

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