The GoD List: Comics For October 16, 2013
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Each and every week, I, “What did you get at NYCC?” Henchman21, and “Con Crud!” Empress Eve read a lot of comics. Seriously you guys, a lot of comics. Maybe too many comics. I mean, it is possible”¦ theoretically. Naturally, we look forward to some more than others. I mean, who doesn’t? So, let’s take a look into the depths of our pull lists, grab some comics, and we’ll let YOU know what the top books to look forward to are for the week of October 16, 2013. Single issues and trades, they’re all here.

I don’t know about you, but I’m still a little warn out from New York Comic-Con, so it’s a bit of a short list this week, with just a couple of new hardcovers for you. But what we lack in quantity, we make up for in quality with two can’t-miss books and one title that the Empress has been waiting for since the summer. And if you’re looking for the hot new single issues out this week, there’s a new issue of Hawkeye, Invincible, Morning Glories, The Sixth Gun, and Batman/Superman to keep you entertained. Now if you don’t mind, we’re going to go take a nap while you enjoy this week’s GoD List!

Henchman 21

Black Beetle: No Way Out Hardcover (Dark Horse Comics – $19.99) If there’s one thing I know it’s that Francesco Francavilla is an amazing artist. This has become apparent through his work on Batman, Black Panther, Zorro, and a host of other series. As it turns out, he’s a pretty good writer too, as he proved with his first Black Beetle mini-series, subtitled No Way Out. Black Beetle is Francavilla’s take on the pulp action heroes of old. The Beetle is his own creation, and Francavilla is such a fan of the pulps that he expertly sets up the world and the main character and makes readers feel like this is a property that has been around forever. The mystery in this series kicks off with an explosion that kills dozens off members of the criminal underworld in the Black Beetle’s home turf of Colt City. It sounds like it should be good news but the Beetle still has to get justice, even when criminals are the victims, which means tracking down the person or persons behind the explosion. If you follow Francavilla online, you know how much of a fan he is of this kind of thing, and he masterfully creates the world while filling the series with his trademark style. You owe it to yourself to pick this up and get ready for the second Black Beetle miniseries, Necrologue, which starts next month.

The Spectral Engine (McClelland & Stewart – $27.95) Ray Fawkes may be writing a couple of books for DC comics these days, but I first learned of him with his unique graphic novel from 2012, One Soul. In One Soul, Fawkes told the story of eighteen people from across different periods of history one panel at a time. Each two page spread in the book was divided into 18 panels, each panel featuring one of the characters. Once you got into the flow of the way that Fawkes was telling his story, it became one of the most interesting stories I have seen in comic form. He is back with what sounds to be another fascinating comic, with a distinct horror feel just in time for Halloween. In The Spectral Engine, Fawkes tells the stories of thirteen historically documented ghost stories. As with One Soul, Fawkes ties together these stories to examine the human experience from many different angles, weaving a story that is universal. One Soul is one of those books that just floored me when I read it, and I have high hopes that The Spectral Engine will not only entertain but also enlighten.

Empress Eve

As my Henchman so succinctly put it, I did indeed contract the Con Crud while braving the massive crowds at NYCC in my hometown of New York City this past weekend to help bring you all the latest news out of the event. Because of said Crud, I am quite NyQuil’d up right now and can barely think about anything but resting my head down on my pillow for the next 15 hours. But, before I pass out, I know even in my near-unconscious state that there’s one comic book I MUST have this week, and that’s KHAAAAANNNNN!

And by KHAAAAANNNNN!, I mean Star Trek: Khan #1 from IDW Publishing.

I’ve been waiting for the first issue of Star Trek: Khan to come out since it was announced back in July 2013, and damn it, I want to read it now!!! The new 5-issue miniseries from writer Mike Johnson and artist Claudia Balboni will reveal the origins of Khan Noonien Singh, using the likeness of Star Trek Into Darkness star Benedict Cumberbatch.

Gimme, gimme, gimme.


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