New ‘Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn’ Wedding Night Photo
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Big day for Twilight fans — a new photo is now online from The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part I showing Bella and Edward being intimate on their wedding night.

The image is exclusively available in this week’s print edition of Entertainment Weekly magazine, but a low-quality version has already made its way online. See the image here below.

Back in November, Breaking Dawn director Bill Condon posted the first photo from the film online, which only showed Bella’s hand lying on a bed clutching some feathers. It wasn’t exactly something I found all that exciting, but Twilight fans went crazy for it because of what the image implied — the human Bella (Kirsten Stewart) and the vampire Edward (Robert Pattinson) finally consummating their love.

This new official image of the couple, well, let’s just say I think Twilight fans will really have something to go crazy over this time.

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Watch Now: Clip From ‘Twilight Saga: Eclipse’ DVD With Commentary
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One of the most talked-about scenes in Twilight Saga: Eclipse was when Bella huddles up to Jacob for warmth in a tent while Edward sits by having to watch his love in another man’s arms. When the freezing Bella (Kristen Stewart) falls asleep, the werewolf Jacob (Taylor Lautner) and the vampire Edward (Robert Pattinson) have an unintentionally amusing heart-to-heart.

You can now watch that scene with audio commentary, which will be included in the special features on the upcoming DVD and Blu-ray release (out on December 4, 2010).

Watch the clip here below.

Stewart and Pattinson provide the joking audio commentary, so don’t expect to actually here any dialogue from the film, though most die-hard fans already knows what’s being said.

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Contest: ‘Neon Angel: A Memoir Of A Runaway’ Book
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The Runaways, which stars of Kristen Stewart as Joan Jett and Dakota Fanning at Cherie Currie, is based on Currie’s autobiography Neon Angel: A Memoir of a Runaway, so to celebrate the film’s wide release in theaters this weekend, we here at Geeks of Doom have five (5) copies to give away to some lucky readers!

Five (5) winners will each receive:

  • One (1) copy of Neon Angel: A Memoir of a Runaway

I’ve read the book and trust me, it’s a good one. Currie talks about her upbringing and then goes into detail about her time with The Runaways, which was an all-girl teenage rock band in the 1970s and if you see the movie (which I suggest you do), you’ll see how just how hard these young girls had it and what they did for rock and roll. Currie’s original version of the autobiography has been out of print since the 1990s, but thanks to It Books, the book is not only back in print, but has also been improved upon. I now only three copies of this book (2 of the original; one of the new version), so yeah, I’m lovin’ this contest. So, enter to win!!!

TO ENTER: There’s just two simple steps:

(1) Make sure you’re subscribed to the Geeks of Doom email digest. If you’re not then click here and sign up. (If you’re already a subscriber, then go right to the next step.)

(2) Fill out the entry form here below and submit. (Form is here after the jump.)

Good luck!

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New Images From ‘Twilight Saga: Eclipse’
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Last week, the poster was revealed for Twilight Saga: Eclipse, along with a sneak peek video of the upcoming Twilight sequel [see New Poster For “˜Twilight Saga: Eclipse’ + Video Sneak Peek].

Now with the film only three months away, Summit Entertainment has released three new images from the film, which is the follow-up to last year’s Twilight Saga: New Moon.

Check out the images here below.

The first image is of the infamous human-supernatural love triangle of human Bella (Kristen Stewart) with the two guys she loves, werewolf Jacob (Taylor Lautner) and vampire Edward (Robert Pattinson) [they even appear to be in a triangle formation!]; next is Bella and Jacob having a moment together; and last is a shot of the Cullen vampire clan, minus Edward and Emmett, ready for action.

Twilight Saga: Eclipse will be in theaters on June 30, 2010.

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New Poster For ‘Twilight Saga: Eclipse’ + Video Sneak Peek
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With Twilight Saga: Eclipse coming out in theaters in only a few months, we’ve seen very little from the upcoming Twilight sequel.

Now, we have finally two new juicy items from the film: a new poster and a 7-minute sneak peek video.

First up, the full theatrical poster for Twilight Saga: Eclipse featuring everybody’s favorite human-supernatural love triangle — Edward, Bella, and Jacob. Check out the poster here at right and click for the larger full view. The previously released teaser poster gave us no hint as to the look of Eclipse, but with this new poster we can see that Bella (Kirsten Stewart) is now in the forefront with her paramours (Robert Pattinson as Edward and Taylor Lautner as Jacob) behind her. Gone are the brown tones from New Moon which were meant to signify the introduction of the werewolves. As the tagline says, Bella has a choice (actually, several choices) to make and the poster shows that it’s hers and hers alone.

Next up, a 7-minute sneak peek video of the new film that was included in select DVD/Blu-ray editions of Twilight Saga: New Moon, which was released last weekend. Watch the entire video here below and get ready to see plenty of action, including Bryce Dallas Howard as Victoria, the werewolves, and the Volturi, as well as several new characters. The last two minutes of the video is actually a scene from Eclipse of Bella and Edward talking about the choice Bella is about to make.

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