Oscars 2017’s 5 Biggest Snubs and Surprises
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This morning’s announcement of the nominations for the 2017 Oscars had its snubs and its surprises.

Everyone has their “why did this get nominated but that didn’t” or the “that was the worst film ever, and it got nominated!” But it is something that just comes with the territory. So here are my 5 Biggest Snubs and Surprises.



Despite receiving almost universal acclaim from its acting, writing, and producing peers, Deadpool failed to receive any Oscar nominations. Given the surprising number of nominations from those guilds, the film was expected to receive at least a few nominations, one of them being Best Picture. So you probably can imagine the short-lived shock. However, it probably gives writers Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick the ammunition they need to write in jokes for Deadpool 2 on how much of a mistake the Oscars are making by not nominating them.

Amy Adams

Arrival was a shoe-in for awards right from the get-go, and one of the reasons why that is because of Amy Adam’s leading performance. Indeed, the film would go on to earn eight nominations this morning, but not one of them went to Adams. Which is perhaps a big snub considering all the praise she received from audiences and critics alike. Of course, this isn’t to discredit Meryl Streep in Florence Foster Jenkins or Ruth Negga in Loving, but for a sci-fi film to be as sharp and grounded as it is, it’s a bit disappointing that Adams could not at least be acknowledged for making that happen.

Annette Bening

Another surprising snub is Annette Bening’s performance in 20th Century Women. Many considered it as one of the best of her career. But since it’s been underseen, it’s really no surprise that its gone under a few people’s radar. Going back to the aforementioned Streep’s performance in Florence Foster Jenkins, it’s hard to see why Bening wasn’t given a nomination. Sure, Streep is a fantastic actor, but let’s be real, is it any better than what Bening did in 20th Century Women? Most would say no, but apparently the Academy believes otherwise.

Silence, Scorsese, Eastwood, and Washington

Sure Silence may be long and tedious, with a very touchy subject of religion and missionaries trying to spread the gospel across foreign lands, but there are a lot of films that have similar themes and runtimes. While most would agree that the late December release date may have been a contributing factor to the film’s lack of nominations, it was only nominated for Best Cinematography. Martin Scorsese’s latest was at least expected to earn Best Picture and Best Director, but this morning’s announcement shows that even the best don’t get recognized. But Scorsese wasn’t the only one who was snubbed from an Oscars directing nom. Clint Eastwood for his work in Sully and Denzel Washington for his effort in Fences failed to get nominations as well. Again, a bit strange when you factor in all the early positive buzz each film got and how they were expected to get nominated for their directing efforts.


For a film to be as socially aware as Zootopia, it’s really surprising to see that the film didn’t get recognized for its writing. The film has its humorous moments but is probably best known for making its social commentary easily digestible. It takes those prejudices we see and experience in our daily lives and converts them into a basic metaphor of how predators and prey are able to live in harmony despite their opposition. Not only did the film address the dangers of prejudices, but it did so as an animated film. A rare sight to see.


La La Land With 14 Nominations

Okay, La La Land was expected to earn many nominations. But 14, including Best Picture? That ties it with All About Eve and Titanic. Hollywood sure does love movies about Hollywood. Does anybody remember when The Artist earned 10 nominations? Sure the chances of Damien Chazelle’s latest film of making a clean sweep is as good as any other, but don’t expect a film like Moonlight, which earned eight nominations, to go quietly into the night.

Mel Gibson Catches A Break

So, I guess Hollywood has forgiven Mel Gibson for all his past transgressions. Hacksaw Ridge‘s five nominations, including Best Director, proves that everyone deserves a second chance. Let’s not forget that he was nominated over Scorsese, Eastwood, and Washington.

Passengers, 13 Hours, and Suicide Squad Get Nominated

I’m confused. Did we watch the same movie? How did Suicide Squad get nominated for makeup when Deadpool‘s face looked like an avocado had sex with an older more disgusting avocado? Passengers over Rogue One: A Star Wars Story in terms of production design? 13 Hours gets a nod for sound mixing, which I guess makes sense since there’s a lot of explosions.

Captain Fantastic

Wait a minute. People actually watched Captain Fantastic? And loved Viggo Mortensen’s performance enough to give him a Best Actor nomination. Wow. Love the idea that he plays a father who is raising his children off the grid, but it makes me wonder why Sam Neill wasn’t given one for his hilarious performance in Hunt For The Wilderpeople. Guess we’ll never know.

There’s Diversity In More Than Just Acting

After failing to nominated a person of color for the past two years, the 2017 Oscars sees Fences actors Viola Davis and Denzel Washington, Loving‘s Ruth Negga, and Moonlight‘s Naomie Harris all earn nominations for lead actor, while Moonlight‘s Mahershala Ali, Lion‘s Dev Patel, and Hidden Figures‘ Octavia Spencer got nominated for their supporting roles. Bradford Young got nominated for Best Cinematography in Arrival, while Barry Jenkins gets nominated for Best Writing, Best Directing, and Best Picture for his work on Moonlight.

What are some of your thoughts on those who were snubbed? Do any of the nominations surprise you?

Be sure to check in for the full results when the 89th Annual Academy Awards air on Sunday, February 26, 2017, on ABC.

1 Comment »

  1. Poor Amy Adams ;( I liked “Captain Fantastic” but “Jackie” and “Loving” were sooo boring for me… And yeah, there should be “Deadpool” instead of “Suisice Squad”, definitely!

    Comment by Rykoszetka o życiu w mieÅ›cie — February 21, 2017 @ 6:53 am

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