Rotten Tomatoes Puts A Stop To Early Comments and Reviews That Try To Hurt A Film’s Score
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Rotten Tomatoes gives everyone a voice. Films are measured out by critics and general audiences, which allows for a far more encompassing view on a film. However, the aggregator site has become a place where online trolls can abuse that power just for the sake of trying to ruin a film. We have seen plenty examples of this in the past with Marvel Studios being one of the prime targets for these online attacks.

Well, now it appears that Rotten Tomatoes has had enough of this. Recently, it has become a big issue as these trolls took out their mother’s basement-dwelling rage on Captain Marvel. The site has announced some major changes that will allow general audiences to only post their reviews after the film has been released. But that won’t be the only change. Find out what the rest are below.

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Rotten Tomatoes Opening Its Doors To More Diverse Voices
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The effort to include more diversity within the entertainment criticism community is further increasing. And now one of the most prominent review aggregator sites has just taken its first major step to include more voices from diverse backgrounds.

Rotten Tomatoes has taken it upon itself to open its doors to other critics who will now be able to contribute to both film and television. More on the story below.

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Rotten Tomatoes Score For ‘Justice League’ To Be Revealed Day Before Its Release
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The DCEU has had its fair share of bad films. Actually, almost all of them are incredibly bad with the exception of Wonder Woman. That being said, the franchise has somewhat of a reputation for producing disappointing superhero films. Something you can tell by just looking at their Rotten Tomato score.

While the aggregator site’s scores for films can be misleading at times, it is a tool that is used for a filmgoer to determine whether or not they will check out the film in question. So it really says a lot when Rotten Tomatoes will not reveal the score for Justice League until one day before the film’s release. More on the story below.

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The Drill Down 487: Handing Over the Teslas
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On this week’s Drill Down podcast, Game of Thrones is hacked and so are U.S. voting machines, we learn more about the Tesla Model 3, designer disease-free babies, the Rotten Tomatoes effect, and much more.

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