KISS #1 Written by Amy Chu
Art by Kewber Baal
Colors by Schimerys Baal
Letters by Troy Peteri
Covers by Goni Montes, Francesco Francavilla, Kewber Baal & Schimerys Baal, Shouri, Fernando Ruiz Dynamite Entertainment
Release Date: October 19, 2016
Cover Price: $3.99
Would you look at this, I’m getting to review a Kiss comic. Usually Empress Eve is the one who gets the pleasure of reviewing Kiss items, but as luck would have it, she’s extraordinarily busy right now and I didn’t hesitate to jump on it! So here is Dynamite Entertainment’s KISS #1!
The setup is this: The world reached a point where civilization was in jeopardy and war threatened to exterminate mankind, once and for all. The Great War, as it is now referred to 468 years later, forced a large group of people underground. They pieced together a new society, saving what they could from the surface in an attempt to preserve at least some of their history. For almost five centuries, these survivors have lived in the subterranean city of Blackwell in peace and solitude. But nothing lasts forever.
Students of the Unusual™ comic cover used with permission of 3BoysProductions
The Mercuri Bros.™ comic cover used with permission of Prodigal Son Press