The GoD List: Comics For February 22, 2012

Each and every week “Daniel Bryan Danielson Is The Best In The World” MK2Fac3 and “Steve Yzerman Is The Best In The World” Henchman21 read a lot of comics. Seriously you guys, a lot of comics. Maybe too many comics. I mean, it is possible”¦ theoretically. They look forward to some more than others, I mean, who doesn’t? So, let’s take a look into the depths of their pull lists, grab some comics, and we’ll let YOU know what the top books to look forward to are for the week of February 22, 2012. Single issues and trades, they’re all here.

Hey everybody and welcome back to your place to see all of the latest comics that myself (MK2Fac3) and Christianford McDavid (Henchman21) are looking forward to this week. I have no idea what’s going on right now other than the fact that comics are super cool and we like to read them. There’s a whole lot of interesting stuff coming out this week, some new, some old, and honestly some of the best comics being published are coming out this week too like The Sixth Gun, Morning Glories, and more, so check below to see what we picked. I’m listening to trip hop from 1998, what are you doing? Reading The GoD List, that’s what!



All Star Western #6 (DC Comics – $3.99): People are reading this, right? I feel like people aren’t because I’m not seeing a lot of praise for this comic recently, but for the life of me I can’t figure out why. Here’s the gist of why you should be reading All Star Western: it’s freaking awesome. That’s all I should have to say, but the story going on is about Jonah Hex, an outsider thrust into the land of Gotham City in the days of the old west, who’s being forced to work and fight alongside a doctor to take down a crime ring that’s kidnapping children. First of all, that story alone is worth the $3.99 even when you don’t take into account the implications of an outsider fighting within Gotham City, but when you pull Gotham into the equation, you get references to Morrison’s Return of Bruce Wayne, the Miagani Bat-tribe, giant freaking bats trying to kill Jonah Hex, and a city that does not want this outsider there, so society’s power players are going to try to push him out. Each month, there’s also a killer back up story that showcases different characters from DC’s stable of Western characters. And if you’re not reading this, you should be, because coming up, we’re going to see tie-ins to Scott Snyder’s story from Batman. Jimmy Palmiotti and Justin Gray are killing it each month in this comic, so if you’re a fan of westerns or just really good comics, make sure to pick this up this week.

Morning Glories #16 (Image comics – $2.99): I’ve told you that I love this comic before, right? But have I told you recently? Maybe not? Well, I freaking love this comic so much. I’ve sung its praises many times before, but I can’t stress to you how into this story I have become recently. I can think, I can’t drink, and after the last issue, I kinda just wanted to crawl in a hole and die. THAT’S WHAT THIS COMIC MAKES YOU DO! Sure, it’s got the fancy and intriguing Lost-ishness mystery going on, but something that I forgot over the past few issues is the emotional investment you end up having with these well rounded characters that start to actually feel like people you know, people that could be your friends. So, when something truly astonishing happens to them, you can’t help but feel the weight hit your heart and crush you into a million pieces. You hear that Nick Spencer and Joe Eisma?? You’re killing me! Softly with your words, but killing me nonetheless.

No Place Like Home #1 (Image Comics – $2.99): Recently, I’ve been picking up new #1 issues here and there to keep myself interested in things, and overall my choices have suited me well. A couple of weeks ago, I checked out Thief of Thieves #1, last week I picked up Road Rage #1, and this week will present me with another opportunity to pick up a comic that I had no idea about, and that pick is No Place Like Home #1 which appears to be a totally bizarre rendition of one of the finest tales in American Literature, The Wizard of Oz, which I’m totally into. Where this differs from the other comics listed is that I have no idea who these creators are, but if you tell me that you’re retelling The Wizard of Oz in a modern day setting within the pages of the comic book, you’ve pretty much guaranteed that I’ll do whatever I can to get my hands on the comic. Also? The comic’s solicitation mentions something about bizarre, unexplained murders. Yeah, I’m definitely buying this.


Wally Wood’s EC Stories: Artist Edition HC (IDW Publishing – $95.00): Do I really need to tell you why you should buy this book? Well, with the $95 price tag, I guess I should, huh? Well, Wally Wood was, and really the majority of the EC artists were, some of the best comic book artists of all time. The immense amount of detail that went into their pages were incredible, and considering the horror/science fiction nature of the work, you know they were working on some truly outlandish, innovative comics at the time. Well, that’s that, right? You know how valuable the art is in those comics, but what you may not be familiar with are the IDW artist’s editions. You see, within these amazing hardcover presentations, are direct scans of the original pencilled pages presented in the arts original size. They’re carefully constructed so that quality is not lost and they’re an amazing addition to any comic or art lover. A $95 well spent, if you ask me.



The Sixth Gun #19 (Oni Press – $3.99): I don’t want to sound like I’m complaining about having a place on the internet to tell people about the comic books I enjoy, but sometimes it is hard to come up with new ways to talk about those books. Take The Sixth Gun for example. I’m too lazy to go back and check, but I feel like I’ve recommended this book a few times, and I can’t come up with a clever way to tell you that it is an exciting cowboy/supernatural thriller with a great cast of characters and amazing art by Brian Hurtt. I can’t find a new way to say how much I have been enjoying the entire series, with its unique story of a group of six guns that can do amazing things like shoot fire and bring the dead back to life in golem form. Is there anything left to say about the twists and turns the story takes as we learn more about the characters who currently possess the guns and the variety of groups that are trying to get their hands on them? Have I mentioned the art of Hurtt, who is doing some of the best work of his career? I mean, come on! I’m only one man; I can’t keep coming up with new ways to say all this. Oh, wait. I think I just did. Never-mind. And buy The Sixth Gun.

Lil Depressed Boy #9 (Image Comics – $2.99): I was able to catch up on this series thanks to the first two trades, and I am so glad that I did. If you’re looking for a quiet, personal relationship drama in comic book form, then this is the book for you. Lil Depressed Boy, or LDB, is about a guy who meets a girl who he has a lot in common with, only to find out that she has a boyfriend. There aren’t enough books like this on the stand these days and I hope that LDB is able to find a decent sized audience to keep it afloat. Writer S Steven Struble has created a book that is unique in the market today, and artist Sina Grace nails all the moments in the book. The pair have created a book that touches the heart and makes me excited to see what happens with the characters next. If you want a great book that isn’t your normal superhero fair, check out the first two trades and then pick up this issue.

I, Vampire #6 (DC Comics – $2.99): We’re six months into this book, and I’m still not entirely sure what is going on. I understand that we have a main character, who is a centuries’ old vampire, and he is fighting with an old girlfriend/lover who is also a vampire, and she wants to destroy the world. I know the main character has a few friends that are helping him on his quest, and last issue saw a guest appearance by Batman and the issue before had a guest spot from John Constantine. But beyond that, I couldn’t tell you any of the characters names, I’ve forgotten some of the details about who the supporting characters are, and I’m not really sure if I care about any of them. And in all honesty, I forgot about the Batman cameo until I looked up the plot synopsis for issue 5. So, why am I still reading I, Vampire? Quite simply, it’s because of the art by Andrea Sorrentino. His art is very reminiscent of the work of Jae Lee, and I love that style. It’s a great fit for the story, even if I’m not all that interested in the story. I, Vampire is worth giving a look at, if only to see if the art is to your liking. I just hope that the story will draw me in more.


Torso HC (Marvel/Icon – $24.99): If you’re a fan of writer Brian Michael Bendis, but have never read some of his earlier work, this will be the book for you to pick up this week. Torso is based on the true story of the first serial killer in America. It becomes the job of Elliot Ness, of The Untouchables fame, to track down the killer. Torso comes from the days when Bendis was still drawing his own work, and he’s joined on writing duties by Marc Andreyko. Now, I’ve never read this one before, but I have seen Bendis art efforts in another of his earlier works, Jinx. It’s not the most impressive thing in the world, but his writing really shines through. Torso comes from a period when Bendis was hungry to break into the big time. Even though this is some of his earliest work, it remains some of his best, at least according to a lot of his fans. I’ve never read this one before, and I looking forward to checking this one out. If you’re a fan of Brian Bendis and you’ve never read Torso before, give this a shot.

1 Comment »

  1. Fully agree with you on All-Star Western. Of the six chosen titles that I’m reading of DC’s New 52, THIS ONE IS TOPS FOR ME!

    I have an added interest in that I’m currently sketching the roughs for my own western graphic novella, as well as a longtime/lifelong love of the western genre.
    Those not aboard All-Star Western are REALLY MISSING OUT!

    I’d love it if DC did a new Weird Western Tales series to compliment All-Star Western.
    Heck! The back-up stories featured thus far in All-Star Western are already kind of in the vein of Weird Western Tales…..especially the El Diablo back-up. ;)

    Comment by Kaneda Dry — February 23, 2012 @ 12:21 pm

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