Comic Review: Avengers vs. X-Men #1
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Avengers vs. X-Men #1
Written by Brian Michael Bendis
Pencils by John Romita, Jr.
Inks by Scott Hana
Cover by Jim Cheung
Marvel Comics
Release Date: April 4, 2012
Cover Price: $3.99

Marvel’s big summer blockbuster has arrived!!! Pitting its two most important teams in the Marvel Universe just who WILL win when The Mighty Avengers take on The Uncanny X-Men in Avengers vs X-Men #1? The answer is a simple one: comic Readers.

The first issue in this miniseries is from Marvel mainstay Brian Michael Bendis and he’s in rare form here. Let’s be honest, in the past he has, let’s just say, taken his time with his storytelling. But not here! In this first issue, LOTS of things happen. The threat is introduced, explained, and the Avengers actually FIGHT with the X-Men!!! This is everything you’ve wanted in a big Marvel crossover.

The thing that I was most impressed about is that there’s no “misunderstanding” that leads to conflict between the two teams. Nope, The Avengers take one stance on an issue and the X-Men take another, and depending on whether your an Avengers fan or an X-Men fan, you will too.

My only problem with this issue is a small one. I’ll admit, I’m on The Avengers side, but I have to be honest, even if you’re a die-hard X-Men fan, I’d be hard pressed to find anyone who can’t honestly say that Cyclops doesn’t come off as a BIG TIME JERK in this issue. He’s not likable in the least. Yes, it’s conveyed how serious he is about protecting the Mutant species after the terrible events they’ve been through going all the way back to House of M, but still, dude, settle down.

Art wise this issue we get John Romita, Jr. Thank you, Marvel!!! I really don’t need to go on and on about how fantastic his art is, do I? He renders every page with greatness. It’s nice to see him draw Spider-Man again in a few panels, and it’s interesting to see his take on the X-Men. All in all, it’s J.R., JR so you know what you’re getting.

It’s time to put the cynic in you aside and let yourself have some fun. I’ve heard the complaints of “Oh great, here’s another Marvel event that’s going to spin off into million titles and they’re going to take all my money!,” but seriously, this is one FANTASTIC book!!! It reminded me of the Marvel event books that I used to read as a kid. It’s packed with action, story, and some real HOLY $#^%! moments. Marvel is holding special Tuesday night release parties across the country at local comic shops to celebrate the release of this book, I suggest you run down to yours on April 3th and take part. You won’t regret it!

1 Comment »

  1. I also enjoyed issue 1 as wll as the setup issue 0. I hope they keep it up. If so, this one could rival civil war and get marvel a much needed boost.

    Comment by spider66 — April 3, 2012 @ 9:46 pm

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